Reviews for Beautiful Disaster
Ben chapter 11 . 2/15/2018
are you doing a sequel?
Deep Blue Sea chapter 11 . 6/8/2017
Wow... just wow and so called him being the Talon Ranger. Cant wait for him to get his Zord in the next story.
Rhythm Wolf chapter 11 . 6/8/2017
Simply amazing you have done it again and created an epic story.
ZRyder chapter 11 . 6/4/2017
Aw, that was fantastic! I'm glad there's going to be another sequel. Can't wait! :D
Truman B chapter 11 . 6/4/2017
YES! I LOVE IT! I'm so proud of Heckyl! Great job!
Sir Perfluous chapter 10 . 6/2/2017
Wow, that was a little unexpected but in a good way. Nice surprise cliffhanger there too. All in all, a pretty intense chapter with a well done battle and the Rangers regrouping amidst the chaos. I'll be curious to see what other surprises lay in store.
ZRyder chapter 10 . 6/1/2017
Damn! I did not see that one coming at all. I kinda wanted to see him as the Talon Ranger in the show so at least he's a Ranger here :D
Writing Therapist chapter 10 . 6/1/2017
DUDE, I was so not expecting that at the end. I wonder how the rest of the group is going to react to Heckyl being able to morph or if they're gonna test him trying all the Energems out like that. The thought of Heckyl trying the pink one is hilarious XD.
Truman B chapter 10 . 6/1/2017
WOAH! I loved the ending to this chapter, I was so surprised! Great job! I hope Heckyl stays a Ranger.
Writing Therapist chapter 9 . 5/12/2017
I didn't realize that you had updated this at all because the alerts were bugged! Glad that's back up and that this story is still going.
Loving Heckyl actually calling the Rangers his friends and I wonder if he's going to make friends with a Navy colored Zord anytime soon? ;P
Truman B chapter 9 . 5/11/2017
Great chapter! I love that Heckyl thinks the rangers are this friends!
Deep Blue Sea chapter 8 . 4/29/2017
Please don't leave us hanging much longer the suspence is killing me.
Rhythm Wolf chapter 8 . 4/29/2017
Yay your back, but what a nasty cliffhanger
ZRyder chapter 8 . 4/20/2017
Glad you're back! Now I like how Snide's being portrayed here. Makes everything darker. Nice job! Hopefully you'll update soon.
Sir Perfluous chapter 8 . 4/20/2017
Okay, all caught up again. Short and sweet but insightful as to Snide's state of mind. I kinda like how he's taken on a particularly dark and violent characterization in this fic. It certainly raises the stakes and threat level than what was in the show. Good luck with handling the writer doldrums!
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