Reviews for The Lucky Ones
paleseptember10 chapter 8 . 10/2
OH EM GEE! Let's get into it.

That exchange about the revolution not turning into war? D A M N! that was profound.

Someone please throw Carrick off of the highest mountain. Love Grace. I want to hug her. ABSOLUTELY LOVE KATE in this. Love how she boosted Ana at dinner and keeps encouraging her bts.

That showdown between Carrick, Grace, CG and AS was TENSE. but glad it happened. I still want to murder Carrick though. CG's inability to reciprocate his father's love (outside of him being a colossol asshole of course) still makes me sad. As anyone who tells another person that htey love them, to not ever be able to hear it back must be so heartbreaking.

And finally. NEVER HAVE I EVER! Oh sweet tequila. Loved this so freaking much. Mia is insanely hilarious. I'm so glad CG took part. He really is trying and it's a joy to see. Poor Ana, butt sex is something she's missing out on, lol. No doubt, CG will take care of that eventually.
paleseptember10 chapter 7 . 9/30
WHOA! Lot's happened. I need a tiny spa day for recovery haha.

First off, YAY they did it. Second, that moment when CG makes his intentions clear about "I won't ever love you." - I felt for Ana. It was a punch in the gut for sure. But then what she said in return is what I thought to be so profound "love isn't the reason i'm in your bed right now." Out of context would seem like such a bitchy thing to say but I saw it as such an empathetic move on her part. The intention of that line.

Jose is an ASS!

Carrick - god dammit, keep your eyes and your ill informed opinions to yourself. Really hope Grace smacks him up the head.

CG is such a brat but I'm so glad AS can rope him in to actually participate and "cook" LOL. Like that CG is letting him self be a little relaxed and trying his hand at making jokes.
paleseptember10 chapter 6 . 9/30
HOT DAMN! what a way to *almost join* the mile high club! Such a foreign but thrilling experience for them both. Glad CG is at least trying, against all that he is, to go with the flow. LOVE grandma trevelyan, she has no chill.

Ana is my girl! You tell him sister. TAKE CONTROL!

Can’t wait to read what the get up to this weekend and how CG sheds some of his old ways for a little while.
paleseptember10 chapter 5 . 9/29
Hot damn! CG going in for the kill.

The moment where he lost his temper and Ana felt like crying was scary but i’m glad he wasn’t able to hold it against her for too long and vice versa.

Now about that little car flirtation! Talk about potentially fogging up those windows lol
paleseptember10 chapter 4 . 9/29
OOOOH! This is getting exciting! Chin up Ana, you got this.
paleseptember10 chapter 3 . 9/29
Ooh! I love this twist of events. elliot for president LOL!
paleseptember10 chapter 2 . 9/29
Hearing this Ana’s inner monologue is so satisfying. It totally makes sense why she feels the way she does. I know that sometimes people find it hard to believe that some women just don’t feel sexual or receptive to the idea of sex for themselves. I used to be one of them. Sure it could also be because of my eastern cultural heritage but i’ve met plenty of western women in New York who have felt that way too. I used to equate it to being a distraction and drama after hearing girlfriends cry about it.

Bad move Jose! Boy, BYE!

Love this Kate! Love how she’s propping Ana up and telling her that dating a “man” will be a different and worthwhile experience. The whole battle tested theory of her explanation was a treat to read!
paleseptember10 chapter 1 . 9/29
CG is so tormented. Elliot is hilarious and sincere as always. Grace and Carrick are genuinely concerned parents wanting to see their children succeed professionally and personally. Nothing like emotional blackmail from a mother to send her boys into self-reflection.

I’l’m particularly intrigued by CG’s initial acceptance of the idea of having his sperm analyzed. Perhaps he felt he owed Ros for her unwavering dedication to GEH? Still, his fears are so paralyzing. I know this is the first chapter but promise me the BT dies like roadkill?
CLHB chapter 32 . 9/25
This is the third time reading this story and just love it!
horizon.g chapter 32 . 8/31
Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
I love your take on their story. The first few chapters left me crying, no kidding. You wrote so beautifully, cleverly. I bet you did so much research behind this. I like how you explore many facets in their lives, like Christian's realization on bitch-troll's abusive nature in his past, and how adorably he promised Ana to date her the beginning of their relationship. You're such a wonderful, amazing writer and I'm so happy to have read this. Please keep writing, I'll always wait for your updates!
Stay safe and healty!
tjm004 chapter 32 . 8/31
I’ve read this stories multiple times. I just love it!
Swimming the Same Deep Waters chapter 7 . 8/23
Swimming the Same Deep Waters chapter 6 . 8/23
Ethereal2020 chapter 10 . 7/13
The dance part is so sweet... I’m smiling and in awe while reading that part..
Epagoza chapter 32 . 7/11
Wonderful story! Thanks for sharing. Just loved how ElenaLeila got their just rewards from MiaAna respectively.
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