Reviews for Beautiful Tragedy
TWDwalker5 chapter 41 . 11/18/2019
Fuck sake! I was right about that Mother bitch. Ugh I hope they take that group down and Andrea is rescued. Also, I love the name Gummie. It's adorable
TWDwalker5 chapter 40 . 11/18/2019
How adorable is RM. She thinks that by getting these science clothes and proper equipment, she will earn her smarts to do experiments lmfao. And I looooove how Negan always makes fun of Madsen for being old. I'm sure I've said this before, but he's relentless. I just love it.
And I don't trust this community one bit. Mother can fuck off.
TWDwalker5 chapter 39 . 11/16/2019
Omg just like RM, I was scared that this was a dream lol it's too good! I can't believe they are finally together! Let's just hope they stay like that till the end of the story. Can't wait for Negan's reaction. Made me laugh when Madsen got all poetic, talking about her wet hair clinging to her breasts. RM was like fuuuuuck man lmao
TWDwalker5 chapter 38 . 11/15/2019
OMG I'M SO HAPPY THAT HE IS ALIVE. But I'm happier that RM got this insanely awesome character development. She is growing up! I swear, she is like my hero. Yet, I wonder what will be between her and Negan, and her and Madsen. Maybe that threesome is going to happen after all. lmao
TWDwalker5 chapter 37 . 11/15/2019
OMG HE BETTER BE ALIVE, I AM ON THE VERGE OF TEARS. Lol the way RM and Negan talk to each other though, it's heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time.
TWDwalker5 chapter 36 . 11/15/2019
ARE YOU KIDDING ME HE CAN'T DIE, HE IS A GOD AND HE IS IMMORTAL AND HE SURVIVED EVERYTHNG AHHHHH oh man, well now I have to read the next chapter like now, because I am not going to bed with this cliffhanger lol
TWDwalker5 chapter 35 . 11/15/2019
I totally didn't google Ralph Lauren boxer briefs. Man, I am loving how much they are getting on as a trio. There seems to be respect for each other in that triangle. I really want that threesome lol
TWDwalker5 chapter 34 . 11/15/2019
LOL, what just happened. Ok, truthfully, I really really REALLY want Madsen and RM to fuck. Like now. Put them in a room and lock the door.
TWDwalker5 chapter 33 . 11/15/2019
Ah this chapter was such a rollercoaster! Goddamn it, I love RM, everything she does is so her. Even though most of what she does is stupid, it's still sooooo good to read about lol. I wanna hang out with her, I wish she existed.
TWDwalker5 chapter 32 . 11/15/2019
Omg I just knew that Negan was going to fuck that therapist. He is hilarious. I'd do the same thing as her tbh. And I'm so glad that RM is getting back on track! In her own weird way. Mister Rogers will help.
TWDwalker5 chapter 31 . 11/13/2019
Omg I thought she wan't on drugs and then I got so relieved but then she was and I was upset! Omg her "essay" made me laugh so much. She's hilarious. I also love how Madie and Negan have different methods to get her clean, though I prefer Madsen's. He loves her so much, it makes my heart flutter.
TWDwalker5 chapter 30 . 11/12/2019
Another amazing chapter. Oh, God, I hope RM doesn't go back to drugs. She's been contemplating it for a while now, without realising. I can't wait to find out what happens next! Also, living for when Negan boasts about his chest hair, it's adorable lol.
TWDwalker5 chapter 29 . 11/12/2019
Aw, no! I wonder if it goes deeper than the food just being poisoned. Maybe someone poisoned it? I hope she pulls through, it's like wherever she goes, there is danger lol. Madsen losing his temper turns me on.
TWDwalker5 chapter 28 . 11/12/2019
Aw, RM is growing up! Working on herself will be healthy, but I'm not sure she should be left alone for too long because she'd probably blind herself with glitter or get an infection from the glue.
TWDwalker5 chapter 27 . 11/12/2019
Ok, it's been ages but I've missed this story so much and I finally have time to catch up, if you can call it that. I love how real all these characters are. Madsen is an absolute God. Every time RM and him are together, I ship it, but then every time Negan and her are together, I want them to be together looool. I'm so conflicted. I just care about them all.
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