Reviews for The Button
Oxymironic chapter 6 . 5/19
I was, unexpectedly surprised. Nicely done. Don't recognize the Doyles or Hendersons, but still a interesting read.
starf1eld chapter 6 . 2/19/2019
Ahhhhh I just spent a day reading though this amazing fic and I’m still in awe of how you melded Star Trek with magic! And vampires! And coralline! And so much more stuff!
Wisperwind chapter 6 . 10/12/2018
Okay so this took me all night and most of the day to read through in (mostly) one go and the I just. Loved it. So much. I loved the plot, I loved the emotions, I loved what you did with the characters. Kit was a delight. Spoke and Kirk were wonderful. I want to hug and run from both your Chekhov and Sulu. Bones and Uhura are amazing. Honestly this entire story is amazing. I am thoroughly amazed and grateful. Thank you so much for writing and sharing it.
FantasyPanda12 chapter 6 . 5/25/2018
So for a few months now I have been trying to keep myself from really getting hooked into various stories of various fictions... this broke my record :(
This was really enjoyable and I absolutely loved it!
Thank you for being the reason I might not turn my assignment in on time :)
LiliEverlost chapter 6 . 4/1/2018
holy hell that was amazing I hope one day you do some sort of sequel or something thing world is honestly amazing and I would love to read more
sami1010220 chapter 6 . 12/15/2017
Absolutely fantastic job! As someone who was only really familiar with star trek (I've seen Coraline once though!), You did a great job of explaining everything.
AiMila chapter 6 . 11/12/2017
Awesome. That's the only way I can describe this; awesome.
I enjoyed every bit of it. I look forward to seeing more of your work
Thank you for an awesome story adventure
catbob1 chapter 6 . 11/2/2017
Completely unlike anything else I've read (and that's a lot). I loved this from the get go. Wonderful. Brilliant. (Let the superlatives continue.). Atlas was already at the top of my absolutely absolute favorites list that I have read many, many times. The Button has now joined that small august group. Thank you for sharing your time, imagination and tremendous talent.
GreyFey chapter 6 . 10/22/2017
As always, your story and writing blew my mind. I just love the way you've built the characters, and the bonds between them, and everything about this plot. Thanks so much for sharing!
Fantasywriter13 chapter 6 . 8/28/2017
As fantastic as always! I can't wait gor your mind to come up with another ingenious plot. No pressure, though, I'll just be off rereading Atlas, West, Five Times and Button, so take your time.
atymer chapter 6 . 8/11/2017
Took me forever to get back to this story. I loved every moment of this adventure and the blending of realities I have some little knowledge of (Bones crystals and herbs in healing). I have always had sense enough to stay away from the Other. That means prayer and focus on positive emotions instead of the baser things we are capable of falling prey to.
Thank you for another compelling story. When your original story in these realms is completed I hope you post its availability so I can run off to read.
Kudos Angel Baby1, your awesomeness continues.
sensoray chapter 6 . 7/31/2017
So amazing! Too bad we didn't get to read about kirk and spocks conversation about their hands ;) whenever you finish writing your book, please update this story and tell us so we can be the first to purchase 3
Karlina101 chapter 6 . 7/30/2017
Ok this was AWESOME. You've done something incredible in the very fact I actually want to know more about the Others, and I actually really admired the consistent tone and speach pattern throughout the story. I was more bewildered than anything on some parts, but that actually added to the appeal for me.
The only thing I would change in this would have been Spock's personality in the bedlam.
Because since he was supposed to have spent years researching this-the mental ground and bedlams if I remember correctly- than he should have felt a note of "I know what I'm doing." I know not much is known on bedlams, but...I don't know the scene felt weird. His personality felt off from the rest of the story.
Oh but that scene with the shadows in the beatle room? Loved it! The imagery that you put with it was so CATCHING I felt like I was watching a film. Just the subtle descriptions were eery and just fricken great.
Definitely loved this. It had some rough spots but overall it was just bloody great!
tomoe-gozen52 chapter 6 . 7/29/2017
What a relief! I had this story in my mind and it wouldn't let me go. Thank you, thank you, for finishing it. And congratulations on your house and new kitty!
HanaSheralHaminail chapter 6 . 7/29/2017
This was more than worth the wait! I'm amazed and left speechless at the sheer perfection of the ending!
The meld was magnificent, both in the way you described it and in the contents: I love Spock's thought process throughout the story but especially in this chapter, and the bond as a way to destroy the Bedlam was ... right. So right.
And the ending scene with the Fates! Pure genius!

I love you unconditionally
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