Reviews for Break Him
Guest chapter 10 . 8/20/2019
This was a really great well written story but I just wish that you finished it instead of leaving it on a cliff hanger and then abandoning it
ichi69 chapter 10 . 8/11/2019
Hey ! Have you given up on this story ? Because it's Amazon dans I really want to know the end !
Guest chapter 10 . 6/23/2019
Hey, is there any chance you are still writing this because it is very good.
Luke chapter 10 . 5/18/2019
any chance this is still going?
GuestReader chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
You going to continue this? Cause I REALLY like this story. Like, really. I sure as hell would read more of it, like yes, absolutely.
I mean, I'm exited to know how this story will go on. I really want to know if Lucy and co. are able to save Natsu in time, I mean, if he will be too broken to be repaired at the time they finally save him or not.
Just to show you that, yes, there are still some readers, eager to find out how this would go on .
You're an amazing author, by the way! Keep up with the good stuff!
cheeseries chapter 10 . 12/10/2018
are you dead? ;(
Guest chapter 10 . 8/4/2018
Where are you? 3':
Guest chapter 10 . 6/28/2018
Next chapter plz...
No whole story ASAP...
Plz plz plz plz
Guest chapter 10 . 6/4/2018
I really enjoy this story and was hoping that you were planningon continuing?
sKaEtrgrL chapter 10 . 2/17/2018
Please please please update! This is such a good story and I really wanna see what happens next! For all we know, Team Natsu (minus Natsu obviously) could be on the other side of the country and Natsu could be being sold as a slave or something! Please please please continue! (I really hope Natsu gets his scarf back cuz that’s like more than a little important to him and he doesn’t seem like himself without it...) Anyways, you’re such a good writer! Please continue for us fans!
ataecina chapter 1 . 1/30/2018
I had a hard time reading this chapter because I kept thinking: "why don't Lucy summon Cancer to fix her hair?" but I'm very interested in the story so I suppose it doesn't matter.
Asuna11 chapter 10 . 12/25/2017
Good luck THIS year!
AliciaRoseFantasy chapter 10 . 12/2/2017
What? That's it? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! You can't lave it like that! He hasn't even been rescued! *cries*
AliciaRoseFantasy chapter 4 . 12/2/2017
Holy cow that was dramatic, and good. Man.
AliciaRoseFantasy chapter 3 . 12/2/2017
Oh no...and the trouble begins.
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