Reviews for Non Lupus Emarcuit
Uchiha-no-Hime chapter 20 . 6/19
Is it wrong that I want Jacob to have printed on Miri but still go with Edward?
It's just ... damn it, I know Edward is not perfect but nobody is and he deserves Miri
So why do you better venture out and create the first polyamorous twilight story and have Miri finish both of them
well everyone happy
Arianna Le Fay chapter 20 . 6/18
with jake honestly i think you are making miri into bella ...
stop with whole edward drama ... you said , miri said it was over
Guest chapter 20 . 6/18
Oh please dont let her go to Italy!
She absolutely needs to stay with Jacob. 100% Jacob.

Edward can stay away, I love miri and Jacob too much haha!
CryingRosex3 chapter 20 . 6/18
No Edward.
More Jake
Vera chapter 20 . 6/18
Nope Jake 10000000000% please and thank you! But what happens when he imprints?
Guest chapter 19 . 6/17
I love this story so much! Miri is so awesome and I love her and Jacob together!
I cant wait to see what you're going to do with the original storyline. Its been amazing so far!

Also definitely team jacob here. I love how your developing their relationship and hope he actually did imprint on her!

Amazing chapter, thank you!
Arianna Le Fay chapter 19 . 6/17
uhh i hope she doesnt go to volterra ...
Arianna Le Fay chapter 18 . 6/17
mirri should be jacob imprint and end up with just jacob
after all mirri is not bella so she should not repeat bella mistakes of getting back with edward
CryingRosex3 chapter 18 . 6/15
Have him imprint of Miri or not at all, cause fuck that noise. And fuck Edward loool
Arianna Le Fay chapter 17 . 6/15
well i am glad she knows and accepted jake and all
but i am still hoping she is jake imprint ... edward doesnt deserve her
Guest chapter 17 . 6/15
Aw I'm so glad she figured it out!
I loved her basically just focusing on if Jacob wants to be her boyfriend or not haha!

Still very firmly team Jacob. With every chapter, I just love them more and more together!

I think someday her and Jake having kids would be super cute!
If we wanna be super corny, a little boy called William Charles haha! (For billy and Charlie!)
And if it's a girl, its gotta be Luna. That would kinda be hilarious.

So once again, please please please Jacob!
Uchiha-no-Hime chapter 17 . 6/14
I adore Miri with Jacob
But I love her with Edward
so ... why don't you keep both of them? hahahah he throws a Tessa Gray and gets the two boys
And I think if I should have kids, maybe she would do better than Bella did.
CryingRosex3 chapter 17 . 6/14
Jacob Jacob jacob
CryingRosex3 chapter 16 . 6/13
Please, let her stay with Jake. Edward is such a little bitch
Debbie Hicks chapter 15 . 6/13
Chapter 16.
Attacked left for dead then Bitten my sister hardest to the best friends then With others and With aliens/Vulcan began a coven six you newborns stop then who turned you Nothingness then brought Miriam and her sister they have powers with them then Miriam Isabella guilty four years at our guard Flames erased memories after three thrown in jsain transtioned without memories good guard Both where you think you are leaving you killed three next train them there then that Pierced freely get the newborns you are charged with murder law breakers Tiied up torturd then assasulllled the secondary bite was from both then with as all pof it had a powrt gifted with her/they turned by heartbreak and turmoil and suffering then was Too late was missing then Vowing was protecting with my Self-Defensive physical shield higher than middle name It's Renata Ah! with her then Wore six to ten Fusion then then Shattered then from the NASA Bodysuit was as all of the clothes from home then too late Was Robes of flowing then nuked were our Carnivorous selves then joined them then too late us/they Found alone/w unwanted but hungry and thirsty then was not human the three found me with Red eyes so her/they were see you broke surrendered take care of that Felix then Killed by them brutalized then Assasulted then Tore humanity away from us/they to them then Head-cord snapped freely Dying from the afterside of the attack the taken humanity from us/they Anmesiac then Deceased from here then brought there then Save them turn them into Vampires then Carlisle bit us/they to heal the venom was real then then Executed with his wife with him/they Stolen from us/they punished as Cullens forced to be Exiled then Snapped both then was Not human anymore was still different was with bites as all of them Nothingness was left of myself with herself/they smashed brought there good deceased they returned to Washington blew up rest Brought them good they are lifeless Drained by more Volturi guards that too late was Paler with Golden/black eyes from here Alice tested both sisters were in fact attacked with they gasp killed by them they ae what Turned by mistake then in time was With new clothes from the NASA Bodysuit was very thin of it reenrolled then Sliced but smashed no longer alive then Had a planet power was not normal so her/they were in fact different had too much mostly more many more venom within my system running then was not alive then from the track Forgiveness sang a saddest most sorrowful haunted lament hair flying so her sang softer more grieving with the girls with Bree saved were so beautiful were Immortal by now seduction from us women were undead then nuked freely then each both vanished hair with bangs flying herself held a Scythe us myself with they were Slayers/Hunters good these one nuked from here stolen middle names train them then it was too late Too late myself was different stopped aging was with her with they Alice they were training they are not normal people.
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