Reviews for Broken Dreams & Battered Hearts
PureGoldness chapter 19 . 7/15
I cant wait for the next chapter. love love love the story!
prettymomma128 chapter 19 . 5/25
I hope Bella can be is fanfiction after all lol. I hope all is well with you and you continue this story. Great job!
aaksupertrooper chapter 19 . 4/17
Are you going to finish this fic?
Disneylover0415 chapter 19 . 3/8
Yes, I realize this story was written awhile ago but I've fallen hopelessly in love with it! I love your writing style the plot basically everything about it! Please please please continue it if this is something you still enjoy your life cause I am hooked on every word!
debb lavoie chapter 19 . 3/3
Wow, this story sucker punched me. Her life could be perfect if all the stars align. Love your writing!
AnakinSmom chapter 19 . 2/18
If not a total cure maybe it will at least give her her life back for a little longer.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/4
Thought his last name was masen not cullen?
Guest chapter 8 . 1/4
Emmett and rose?
lil007 chapter 19 . 11/25/2019
Please please please continue! It’s such a beautiful story
lil007 chapter 19 . 11/25/2019
Please please please continue! It’s such a beautiful story
Cina's chapter 19 . 9/20/2019
My heart goes out to them all. Why can’t Renee just step up and say she’ll do it with out Bella having to go to her and beg?
Guest chapter 19 . 9/12/2019
Please update again soon!
Nannyjojo chapter 19 . 8/25/2019
But the other results could be worth it.
I am glad she is going to give it a go.
She will have a great support system behind her.
And this could bring Emmet and Edward closer.
Nannyjojo chapter 18 . 8/25/2019
I have faith.
He said usually, but maybe sister could also be a match.
But she has admitted that she loves Edward, whoop whoop.
Nannyjojo chapter 17 . 8/25/2019
More tears this chapter.
Well Edwards sure is proving that he will be there through it all.
As I said he is persistent.
That's what Bella needs.
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