Reviews for Come Fly with Me
Fangirlnerd001 chapter 2 . 3/5/2017
Please write a sequel maybe the teams reactions and them meeting the batfamily?
MMJDFandomMania chapter 2 . 1/29/2017
I don't think I've ever 'aww'ed that many times when reading a fanfiction. my heart. I can't.
becka.reyes chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
Wow I love this! I love how you portrayed Dick as a father. Ahh, it was so cute it even made me cry when Damien just wanted his dad back. I enjoyed Bruce as grandfather too way better than being Damien's father. I loved it and you're an amazing writer.
Christina chapter 1 . 12/7/2016
Can you do a story where Connor and Match and they are seven years old and Match gets hurt during a mission that the team was sent on they where sent to see LexCorps is doing and Match gets hurt when fighting against Lex Luthor and when Connor sees his older twin hurt he try's fighting Lex Luthor and Nightwing notice that Connor was going over where Luthor is and Nightwing knows that Connor is not as strong as twin and his father to beat Luthor so he tells Robin to call Batman and tells that they need help while he try's to keep Connor away from Luthor and Connor was almost over where Luthor was when he finds himself being picked up and he looks up to see Nightwing is holding him he starts to struggle in arms trying to get free but Nightwing won't let him go and then he notices that Nightwing is carrying him over to where is older twin is and when he sees Nightwing is asking one of the team members how Match is they tell him that he's badly injured Connor is struggling much harder to get free because he wants to be next to his twin brother but Nightwing knows that they are just learning how to control their powers so he doesn't put Connor down because he's afraid that Connor might hurt him with out knowing it when Nightwing tells him no he's not happy about it and starts to get upset Nightwing notice that Batman and Superman arrived and is helping the team once fighting is over Superman comes over to see if Connor's alright when finds that Connor's fine he goes to check on Match and when he notices that Nightwing is talking to the team Connor gets free from Nightwing arms he takes off running over where his father and his brother are with some of the team telling his father and Batman what happened but before he get close to where his brother is he finds Batman blocking him and when he sees Batman is going to pick him up he try's pushing Batman's arms away from him but Batman picks him up anyway but when he sees his father leave with his brother try's anything to get free and Batman knows why acting like the he is because he remembered when Clark left Connor with him because was going to help Match with the powers that Connor doesn't have and if he can watch him and told him on the phone that Connor doesn't like to with out his twin brother same with Match but Connor has it worse than Match he will try to anything to be with his twin brother and Nightwing and Robin are the twins big brothers and Batman is their godfather and Superman is the father of the twins and great job on the story it's very good. Thanks :)
grayson4life chapter 2 . 12/5/2016
yes ! i loved this story !
Mirnava chapter 1 . 10/25/2016
This is the story I never knew I needed! Ugh, so perfect. So well written, so well thought out, so well tied in to Young Justice. I never liked Damien, but he works so much better as Dick's son! And Dick makes such a great father! This whole idea just makes my heart so happy! Thank you for writing this! I'm of to the sequel!

~ Mirnava
SheReadsToBreathe chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
This was sooo great! I just love stories where Dick is Dami's dad, and you wrote this one really well. I would have liked to see the teams reaction to Dick being 26 and a father though. Sequel maybe? 3
nanytefa1 chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
esto fue lindo, entretenido,triste en algunas y con un ligero toque de humor, fue genial,en serio me gusto :)

espero que tenga una continuación por que seria genial,seria interesante que el equipo conociera a Damian ya que solo lo vieron una vez fue muy rápido.

Supongo que también seria interesante el punto de vista de Dick
Artimis1821 chapter 1 . 9/13/2016
Is there going to be a sequel because I would love to see how the team reacts to seeing Damian.
Robindanewsie chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
Aww! That was so cute! Thank you for your advice on 'Apprentice', but I've already started a sequel titled The Renegade' if you would be so kind as too check that out? But of course, if you want to write your idea, that'd actually be really cool to see. Yeah, I'd like to see that. Don't worry about getting my approval for every chapter, my PMing is down at parents' request, I think you're a wonderfully writer, you've proven it through this story. I hope you continue to write, and I would love to see your idea play out.
shadowswithouthope chapter 1 . 8/18/2016
That was beautiful
astorii chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
Yassssssss. I love the AU where Dick is Dami's father. Like, he kind of does step in as one for real but this was cute and sad at the same time. And the Zatanna part oml. XD