Reviews for Takk
Toesz chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
Awhh, this was so cute :3 and don't apologise for the fluff, we love it
Simana chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
Aw, this was really cute! I love it that even Denmark can be considerate when he knows Norway's not feeling great. I think it was nicely written, too, although if you want a little advice, I would say watch the spelling and grammar, there were a few places that had some errors - just helps to improve the overall quality of the story. But I did enjoy it, so well done. PS: you mentioned early on about Berwald being an awkward patient, which could lead to another interesting story. *hinthint* it would be nice to read something like that, especially if it's as good as this one was. :)