Reviews for Woven In My Soul
Oxymironic chapter 16 . 7/18
Well, that wasn't nearly enough. But I can't force myself to read more. The whole Carol thing...
Oxymironic chapter 9 . 7/18
Why is it that people always want to end up with someone that tries to change them even when that person already knew what they were getting into with a relationship? Before they even get together officially, she's already making passes at changing who he is...
Oxymironic chapter 1 . 7/17
And here I was, planning to skip the Carol bits and it's in the first chapter... smh.
Amixli chapter 33 . 10/23/2019
I LOVE YOU! I have never read something soooo amazing. Really well written, everything is connected, no lose ends in any way. I really love your character of Jim and his love to everyone while he still struggles with his demons. In the past four days I read the first and second book and I can't wait to read the third. I can't believe I missed these storys for so long. If possible I would delete my brain of the last days and just start all over again, honestly. And it's definitely not the last time I'll read them. I'm really grateful that you gave me these amazing storys to get lost in them. I honestly even cried when Anya died .
Anyway I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and your storys!
I'll see forward to your next works
Flaremontgomery chapter 32 . 10/9/2019
I was kind of hoping that kodos would get sent to a disease ridden planet to spend the rest of his miserable excuse of a life, but Elba 2 is the next best thing.
Flaremontgomery chapter 31 . 10/9/2019
I’m pretty sure the entire crew of the enterprise and the three admirals that Jim calls friends would kill frank if they could. And it would be slow and painful.
Flaremontgomery chapter 30 . 10/9/2019
That is the biggest reason why I hate the press. They don’t know when to stop, they don’t care that the story they are trying to get hurts someone else, they only care about the paycheck behind the story.
Flaremontgomery chapter 29 . 10/9/2019
Hopefully kodos gets what he’s due.
Flaremontgomery chapter 28 . 10/9/2019
It’s kodos.
Flaremontgomery chapter 27 . 10/9/2019
And there Jim goes again.
Flaremontgomery chapter 26 . 10/9/2019
It’s good that komacks gone
Flaremontgomery chapter 25 . 10/9/2019
Good chapter. Jim is a fighter, he’ll survive.
Flaremontgomery chapter 24 . 10/9/2019
Is Spock going to get his “KHAAAN!” Moment?
Flaremontgomery chapter 23 . 10/9/2019
Okay. Marcus is Bond villain evil.
Flaremontgomery chapter 22 . 10/9/2019
Good chapter.
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