Reviews for The Demon And The King of Knights
AvidGamer chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
Saber having a master other than Shirou or Rin? Fucking hell no! Dropped
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
Um... I doubt Saber ever saying that. And she stole Lelouch's quote. I'm not liking this.
flamelordytheking chapter 2 . 7/1/2018
I love the premise, but one piece of advice is: Show, don’t tell. Describe actions in more detail. Explain how it looks. Make scenes evocative. This story has a lot of potential, it just needs some fleshing out
CleverPervertedPriest chapter 12 . 6/14/2018
Nice use of Dies Irae! Glad to meet another who appreciates this chant.
Reishin Amara chapter 12 . 6/13/2018 set enemies in all corners didn’t you?

Went a different direction than I assumed...

I thought you would make the thought elevators into Lancer Arturias lance...points that keep the real world wedged into place separating it and the reverse side of the world...
Albion 343 chapter 12 . 6/12/2018
My main problem with the story is how they were so accepting to saber and also following her with out any second thought secondly her outsmarting Charles is not something that she should be able to do mainly while she isn't dumb she's definitely not on his level to do something like that third how easy lelouch fit in with shiro rin and saber
TorstenL chapter 12 . 6/12/2018
Good one! *thumps up!*
Guest chapter 11 . 3/24/2018
Mordred gets to have fun, what with being the only one who gets to be not at all polite in the least. She's essentially acting as the vent for everyone's internal invectives and cruder displeasure. XD Shitty assumptions are shitty, but sometimes bring entertaining opportunities. Like castrating Luciano Bradley with her foot. (They may have saved his jewels after the lance, but such severe trauma so soon after? Probably undid all the "healing" and made it harder to fix!)
Guest chapter 4 . 3/24/2018
*cackles* The combined brilliance and wrath of these few? Terrifying. chapter 11 . 12/17/2017
Por fin habrá una apocrypha ya espera va tanto por una buena batalla entre servant's .
El grupo de Arturia invocara otros servant's ? ( si es posible espero que pueda aparecer la familia emiya y las hermanas ishtar y ereshkigal .
Bueno esa es sólo mí opinión personal espero que no te valla a molestar .
TorstenL chapter 11 . 12/17/2017
Yeah take that Emperor and knights off Britannia...
Ha Arthuria has played Charls as he were a schoolboy *sniker*!
Aaaand Mordred pointed again 100 Point in the Crone jewells of the Knight of ten.. (yeah Knight riiight...) Go Mordred go Mordred.. *The Blake Knight of Camalot cheerleading*!

Great Chapter or in German "Einfach 1. Klasse" *Thumps up*!
Aburg76 chapter 11 . 12/17/2017
thanks for the update
Petroshka chapter 2 . 11/4/2017
Shouldnt Lloyd be freaking the absolute fuck out of the fact that his lancelot got beaten by a suntherland? Or rin freaking out when saber says lelouch's full name?
dragon slayer of death 98 chapter 10 . 10/30/2017
mwahahaha i love the brittanians getting put in their place, i hope you have sabers knights of the round table test brittanias knights and demolish them
dragon slayer of death 98 chapter 5 . 10/30/2017
okay, saber looks nothing like c.c and doesn't sound like her, is probably shorter than her and has smaller breasts. No similarities at all
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