Reviews for Killing Spree
Guest chapter 5 . 3/30
Loved it finally something dark and twisted that’s actually good
Viktor2040 chapter 5 . 6/27/2017
That was amazing. I hope you write a sequel. I like how Esmeralda made an appearance. I expected them both to survive but not like this. The ending was perfect. That bit about Elsa keeping Jack paralyzed and spoon feeding him forever was creepy. Again, hope you can sequel.
Ekalfwons chapter 5 . 6/14/2017
Easily the best Frozen fanfic EVER! My most favorite in recent memory as well! You did an awesome job, I bow down to you your majesty! The dialogue was witty as fuck. The setting, the characterization, the plot... especially that twist! AND THE SMUT! OH MY GOD! Aghhh! Like could you read minds or something? I also thought if Esmeralda did care she'd never open a brothel. But I never saw it coming. You are a genius! This is a masterpiece! Love it to the moon and back! Thank you for writing it!
fonnalynn chapter 5 . 1/24/2017
OMG I JUST HOPE YOU KNOW THIS ENDING WAS PERFECT! Really it was and I hope maybe one day there will be a sequel to it bc can you imagine all the feels I would get I would most likely die from all the feels anyway just wanted to say I loved this story and can't wait to read more of your work
Guest chapter 4 . 11/29/2016
Too bad Jack's not gonna die.

Don't look at me like that.
Momobear1 chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
I hope you do continue the story cause I love it
Furiyan chapter 4 . 11/27/2016
Uh oh.

Also, I can't help wonder what would have happened if Jack accepted Thiana's offer to stay... and if Bunny wasn't kicked out.

Don't look at me like that.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/2/2016
Should I worry if I don't just feel completely undisturbed by everything in the story but also thrilled and excited and, I don't know, it's sorta like drugs to me? Bad English, sorry.
Strike Faster Than Starlight chapter 3 . 9/21/2016
Awesome chapter! Although I was slightly disturbed by Jack's aroused state whe Elsa was throwing knifes at him xD the rest os the lemon was pretty well done and that ending was nice :D, Now about the Nasuverse... it's how the fans of Kinoko Nasu call his work. He is a japanese author that created many Visual Novels, his most famous being Fate/Stay Night(think of it as digital books that have sound,image,video and voice acting too), the guy is well Know for making the same story possess different universes where the same characters passes by different events after a certain point of the story(and the focus on the characters always alternate) , he also always connects all of his works( even when said works are in different timelines or universes) in some way, be it mentioning a character from work A on work B or magic or an event that happened in one work and is cited in another, The guy is a genius in my opinion but the universe he created and it's mechanichs are so wide and complex that it can be a little painful in the beginning if you decide to check his works(too many adaptations to animated series, spin offs, games and many more, it can make a beginner in the Nasuverse have a headache lol), that's it, sorry for the long explanation, and on the pool I vote for the second option! :)
Dor chapter 3 . 9/20/2016
2 please! Hope it will be sexier. *winks Hahaha
alvinandbrittany4ever chapter 3 . 9/20/2016
1. The day Jack found Elsa.
Guest 04 chapter 2 . 9/20/2016
Should I say anything more? First The Shepherd Knight and then this! Freaking Santa Clause... You are one he'll of a package full of surprises sweetheart! :D continue the great job!
MaravillaKatana chapter 2 . 9/16/2016
You mean you watched the music video?

I admire your guts. Get it? Guts? LOL.

Anyway, nice chapter. Not as good as the first one but still...I liked it.
PheonixWolfGirl chapter 2 . 8/25/2016
That was a good chapter, although it was a bit shorter than I would have liked. My vote for the next update it 2. Great work, I wish I could write dark like this, but alas, I cannot. Keep it up. This story makes great fodder for some interesting story dreams. Not necessarily dreams of this story happening, more like story dreams about young assassins training and stuff. I stopped questioning the dreams my subconscious produces a long time ago.
Strike Faster Than Starlight chapter 2 . 8/25/2016
Is it wrong that I was laughing at Pitch during the entire chapter? xD That was a pretty good chapter, in your author's note you almost surprised me with the alternate universe, thought that you would do some nasuverse thing haha and my vote goes The day Elsa claimed Jack! that should be fun to read lol \0/, keep it up :)
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