Reviews for Valagator's Ninjago One-Shot Collection
I ship greenfla chapter 6 . 7/9/2018
MLP and Ninjago Worlds Collide greenflame
Guest chapter 3 . 2/22/2017
LOL, Cole and Jay made a bet.
I don't know why that's so funny.
Oh well, it's still funny, lol.
shadowcat500 chapter 9 . 1/25/2017
I'm just curious about what would would happen if one of the ninja lost control of their powers, not like losing them, but not being able to control them. If you do this I choose Kai bc fire would cause the most damage lol
Dr3amsxx2 chapter 1 . 12/23/2016
Oh A Request for the Great Valagator. A dirty truth or dare to get Lloyd and Kai together; Cole and Jay should also get together. Zane is visiting Pixal jud those 4 please.
oxXDeadAccountXxo chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
*Facepalm* I reread chappie nine and feel so stupid... I didn't even realize you said I requested this in the author's notes. But anyway, self-flaming aside, thanks! I have literally gone to the Ninjago Archive, put the genre to romance, and set my two characters as Jay and Cole. You wanna know what I get? 99.99 Percent of it is Jay X OC and Cole X OC. This made me so happy when I found Alone! And if I ever request something again, call me Wispy in the author's notes (long story). But that's the first time someone's listened to my requests/suggestions. It feels nice. So thanks, and bye-bye!
Kairocksrainbow chapter 9 . 12/21/2016
oxXDeadAccountXxo chapter 9 . 12/21/2016
Yas! I don't know if you were already writing this beforehand, or if you listened to my requests, but thank you! Bruise is love, Bruise is life! Now I just have to wait for you to update "Alone".
oxXDeadAccountXxo chapter 2 . 12/19/2016
"I found this thing called bruiseshipping..."

*Immediately dies of fangirling* I know these are all oneshots, but can you make this a two-shot where Cole discovers Bruiseshipping? If I sound like a little brat writing this, just ignore me. I just asked this because I need more Bruiseshipping in my life. It's all about those damn OCs!
Fireember345 chapter 8 . 12/15/2016
Could you do a fusion chapter of Kai and Lloyd?
Kairocksrainbow chapter 8 . 12/14/2016
Butterbeer!:D Yay! Greenflame for the win. #KaiandLloydarelife. I loved this one-shot! Too cute and fluffy!
Plateley chapter 7 . 9/26/2016
Aw. Your right Zane, who says nindroids can't be like humans? You go boy!
Are you gonna do any bruiseshipping? And if you are, could Cole be the centre of it because there are a lot of Jay-centred bruise fanfics out there so you know...
Anyway, great oneshot and I hope to see more soon. Byzies!
(That means bye :P)
BelloMyMinions chapter 7 . 9/25/2016
This was actually SUPER AWESOME! I loved it! Thank you so much for writing it! 3
heyy.adora chapter 6 . 9/24/2016
Do you think you could write a mild Bruiseshipping oneshot? Just a little in the platonic zone but a lot of fluff :3
Jaya4eva chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
BelloMyMinions chapter 6 . 9/18/2016
I like the last oneshot, it was really good!

Can you please do a Pixane Oneshot? One where PIXAL has a bad dream, and Zane comforts her (kisses allowed ;).

I was just looking at the reviews, and I didn't see any requests, so I'm thinking that you only take requests via PM.
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