Reviews for Such A Winter's Day
Guest chapter 3 . 8/16/2019
The ADA non-compliant federal buildings in the previous chapter and this part I quote below are such well observed details that you sprinkled in.

""Donna cocked her head and watched as a man in a chicken suit clucked and flapped his arms in front of a bemused twenty-year-old Russell intern and a crowd of cameras before being escorted out of the hockey rink where the Vice President had been speaking. "Do you think he really has a plan?"

"I'm sure he has a plan," Sam told her, grinning as the news program wrapped up, running its credits over footage of the chicken wandering around in the parking lot outside the rink before trying to stuff itself into a compact car. "He's probably got half a dozen plans. But he's got no money, and his own personal credibility is the only thing keeping the campaign afloat at all."""
StrongHermione chapter 4 . 9/27/2017
I'm liking this slight divergence, it's well thought out and completely believable. Plus the timing is great and it's really easy to read which I love. At the moment I'm all up in the air of what's going to happen in the future... I guess I will have to keep reading to see :)

In relation to your author's note I had the thought that Bradley Whitford and Tim Busfield were both in the Revenge of the Nerds franchise so there is an argument for them having gone to college together haha.
starbuckmeggie chapter 22 . 8/21/2017
It's only fitting that I read this chapter today, on the day of the great eclipse of 2017
alix33 chapter 38 . 5/25/2017
“foolproof” should be one word.
If I were Josh and Sam and Donna loved me and I loved them back, I’d be shouting that fact from the rooftops at the same kind of decibels I used to shout for pastries after a White house related victory.
alix33 chapter 37 . 5/25/2017
What filling in those sandwiches, please?
“God-botherer” needs an upper case G.
Yay! at Sam having improved his strategic thinking. IMO I have yet to do any strategic thinking thus far in my 46 years of life.
“dinner time” should be two words.
“tiptop” should be one word.
As should “takeout”.
tivamcabby5 chapter 38 . 5/25/2017
Welcome back!

I must admit I love this 3-way relationship but I'm having a hard time imagining Donna marrying Sam instead of Josh! It makes sense in this story but still breaks my heart.

Anyways, can't wait for the new fic - please keep writing!
PaisleyPumpkins chapter 4 . 4/3/2017
I love the story so far really great, and if you are wondering Danny went to Notre Dame just like President Bartlett!
flygirl chapter 36 . 1/27/2017
More please, thanks.
alix33 chapter 36 . 1/15/2017
I admire the courage of the parents involved in homeschooling something horrid, but it's not something I'd ever have attempted (if I had kids, that is).
I LOVE it that punditry is a word.
Yum! at the mental pic of that breakfast, though really, I should get my arse in gear and taste what bagels taste like in RL for the first time in my life already.
Yay! at Sam's oh so eloquent "We've already changed the world, don't you think we deserve a chance to finally live in it?"
Donna's deadpan "But you may end up getting jumped in a broom closet sometimes, I make no promises," made me join Sam in snorting with laughter.
alix33 chapter 35 . 1/15/2017
I think Sam will be under the petticoat government of those little Wyatt-Zieglers in about a millisecond.
Running and screaming? Josh will thus have something in common with those little Wyatt-Zieglers.
AW! at reading about Charlie's aunt and uncle. They sound like menschen.
Yay! for Sam's remark regarding Deena's future employment.
AW! at president Bartlet's rambling speech.
CJ and Donna's impromptu roles as Wedding Enforcers made me snort with laughter.
tivamcabby5 chapter 36 . 1/14/2017
Welcome back! Loved this, especially the beginning
deant33 chapter 35 . 1/5/2017
You've done very well. I actually really like the relationship. I assume part 3 is Sam's senate campaign?
flygirl chapter 35 . 1/2/2017
Really intriguing, inovative & interesting story ploy. Can't wait for Part III.
tivamcabby5 chapter 35 . 1/2/2017
Still loving this, and I applaud you for all of the amazing stuff you've written in the past 100 days!

Can't wait for this to continue!
Lady Laney chapter 34 . 12/23/2016
I love this! You are awesome :D
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