Reviews for Dreaming of a better future
DragonTetho chapter 7 . 8/28
I don't understand how much hate Ironwood receives, all I know is that he's a single-minded, idiot, and a stupidly headstrong General just like what the Author said. If I were in his shoes, I would've probably done some of what he'd done though I'll probably be a bit more careful, planning things more with contingencies upon contingencies, and would hold myself on a very strict guideline and morals so that I won't forget the ultimate goal and that is "For Humanity and Faunuskind". To be honest, Atlas or in this case the whole Remnant army doctrine, philosophies, strategies, and tactics are vastly different compared to us though of course there'll be some similar ones but there'll be only a few of them compared to what they'll do.

Anyways, great job as always Author though it's best to double check your spelling and grammar. It's sometimes hard to read ya' know.
Herackros chapter 25 . 8/13
kinda of sad this story was stopped had good fun and some build up
wearedeadpool chapter 19 . 8/11
great chapter, keep up the good work.m
Tetho chapter 27 . 3/10
And another one bites the dust. Goddangit.

avjuan37 chapter 27 . 12/1/2019
please make more chapters
ParadoxReader chapter 27 . 3/27/2019
Great story so please confinue haha, looking forward to seeing their reaction of meeting Marcus for Pryhha since she is my favourite heroine with Yang right after since i felt their character can use lots of developement based on what they show in the future. Be interesting if they let slip that Jaune was one if not the strongest huntsman in the future and also if they knew he only trchnically start trainning recently cause he faked into grtting beacon unless you want to go the toure he use to train with Uther and had Excalibur but cant use it due to memory loss or some incident causing him to lose or seal the power... EITHER way it will be a entertaining read and I can just imagine his child and Salem will go: No worries papa is the strongezt and Future ruler of all Grim and Remnant with the human still living and having power cause he let them and with me here, we are Invinsible!... Haha would be understandable if the kid with salem end up being one of the most OP one or if a kid with Cinder of he has one end up being Very righteous to counteract Cinder action in the past and Shout Justice . But hope you are fine and will continue the story!
Guest chapter 27 . 1/24/2019
dear writer please make more chapters
wearedeadpool chapter 27 . 1/11/2019
please continue.
The Ancient Irish Viking chapter 27 . 9/14/2018
My biggest issue is that Jaune and rens daughter still hasn't appeared
0804wolf chapter 26 . 7/2/2018
Great story shame that it came to a early end
Alvelvnor chapter 2 . 7/1/2018
don't listen to the hate, all these reactions are believable for how the characters are at the time. Hope you make more soon I actually enjoy this more than the other stories I've read from you, it just flows better than the others so far.
Guest chapter 27 . 5/29/2018
This fic is shit.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/29/2018
Chibi is not canon so Blake never confused Jaune for Sun so why say she did.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/29/2018
Ok this is getting annoying, a kid shows up Jaune gets beat up or threatened or both and then he just forgives them, because you know anyone can get away with this shit.
And why does everyone keep wanting Jaune to explain what's going on, why would he know anything, dude this could be a really good fic, but it is ruined by every female being a mean aggressive bitch.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/29/2018
Weiss feels is cold hearted bitch threatening to shatter Jaune's balls. I get she doesn't like Jaune. but he has done nothing to deserve that. so fuck Weiss she just die alone.
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