Reviews for The Empire? Not after I'm finished with them!
Tinfoot chapter 5 . 7/5
Stopped reading, it's boring now
Tinfoot chapter 2 . 7/5
I understand that it is in the nature of these kind of crossovers that one universe will be selected as the "bitch" of the other, but there is a reason that Mass Effect is often chosen to be such a universe: It is a relatively low-tech setting, with almost everything being traceable back to element zero and the reaper tech-trap.
On that note, biotics don't work like that, they're just mass effect fields, which just means they just lower and raise the mass of things and get all of their mileage out of the strange things they can do with that.
Warp for instance alternates high and low mass fields in order to shred their targets. Singularity obviously creates an ultra-high mass field in order to overpower local gravity. Pull and Throw likely use a combination of lightening the target and a proto-singularity to pull them in a specific direction. And Stasis likely raises a targets mass so much that the speed of light is dropped to the point that relativity and time dilation starts kicking in, along with a kinetic barrier.
Omni-tools aren't nano-machines, they're more like small 3-d printers connected to Iphones, and omni-blades are made of super-heated plastic as you mentioned in the first chapter, not hard light as you seem to be implying here.
Now, that isn't to say you can't make changes (I for one read fanfiction to see what's new in them, not to re-read the original story), or even that Mass Effect can't have some decisive advantages over Star Wars, but it'd just be better if these confrontations were a bit more thought out and not just "I like mass effect so the SI wins"
For instance, Star Wars' computer technology has been almost completely stagnant for thousands of years, and I can quite easily see Mass Effect trumping it in hacking and electronic warfare.
And, as you pointed out in the previous chapter, a lot of the native armors are designed to defend against blasters, not kinetic weapons and definitely not the Mass Effect style of weaponry you've got here.
I'm still going to read this since its a scenario I've not seen yet, but I felt the need to write this down first.
Also I hope in your more current stories you can write the protagonist with more than just one facial expression.
Reyzz-kun chapter 19 . 6/28
Do you update this? I really liked it
Kaiimei chapter 1 . 6/15

Okay then. This was vaguely interesting until the point where it just got stupid. I'm going to hope that the idea was that this was going to just be an utterly 'rarded' crack-fic of absolutely no logic, because some of this was just so stupid and not worth even looking at that it just annoyed me.

970 stories worth of building averages at over four kilometers high. That's an absolutely absurd amount of collateral damage for an Ecumenopolis no matter what way you cut the cake.

But whatever, this story had a chance to be interested, but crack fics just aren't very good most of the time, sorry!
birdsallalexander chapter 1 . 4/29
Oh god I was dying of laughter and eve fell of my bed near the end of the chapter!
Gerhman Remington chapter 19 . 12/20/2019 made the roght choice to stop updating
ZERIF120 chapter 7 . 10/25/2019
u should put chuchi in
Face Yourself chapter 1 . 9/8/2019
Well. Didn't expect the story to start off with a bunch of random pointless unprovoked murders. If your main character is going to be that kind of idiot, the story doesn't seem much worth reading, does it?
eglaic chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
I'm really sad I didn't find this story sooner. This is some good shit.
VladImpaler chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
What I always appreciated about universes like Mass Effect is how much they try to add logic and real life science to their sci-fi tech. In star wars we were never told how they achieve faster then light or the consequences of doing that, other then introduction the concept of hyper space.

The theory of warp-space which can allow for faster then light travel is a real physics theory. Instead of simply traveling fast from one point to another, we bend space and sort of pull the destination towards us. This is based on the theory that concentrated mass can create powerful gravitational anomaly that bends the fabric of space.

The critical flaw in it is that there is no way for us to accelerate and decelerate mass to such an extent, no way to protect the vessel from the amount of pressure it experiences also at the end of such a journey. The most optimistic calculations have shown that we need energy several times greater then of our sun .
So here ME introduces element X the missing piece of the puzzle which finally gives life to this theory. An element that has the property of accelerating mass without affecting the size of the object as well as creating a protective barrier to absorb the after shock of FTL travel.
alertpoet91 chapter 18 . 6/22/2019
Fantastic Chapter! Will you be including parts from the Republic Commando series by Karen Travis?
James T. Rex chapter 1 . 5/25/2019
I am going to be very honest with this, if any of us were in the same situation with all this, and the "control" option came on. Yeah unless you are an absolute saint we'd all do the same, and he is there to cause chaos. this is chaos.

For the rest I am enjoying it a lot, it is fun and cool to read and actually way better written than Most SI.

so thank you for this :D
Toffeecat15 chapter 5 . 4/26/2019
that fucking speech at the end of the chapter, thing gave me chillls
Draslenda chapter 5 . 3/20/2019
So the mc is a slaver and a rapist, sick trash.
BrentNewland chapter 19 . 3/7/2019
My last review might have gotten a bit harsh, it's a good story and I hope you continue it.
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