Reviews for A Silent Night At The Western Front
Mycroft-mione chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
Wow, Carmen, I don't even know what to say. At the start, I couldn't tell if Godric was British or German, and I love that now. It just reinforces the idea that the soldiers are all the same, really.

You could've written more about how the men are pawns, but you chose to tell a story of Christmas night and a moment when the two armies held a truce, which was beautiful. You chose to let the joy shine through more than the pain, and that too was beautiful. The lines of song that broke up the sections were perfect, adding something special to the story.

And as always, your descriptions were ON POINT. ;)
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
This was beautiful! There is no other word that I can use to describe it. I believe you caught the essence of the war perfectly here, describing how it felt to be in the trenches.

But then Godric got out, after hearing the other side.

What I thought was beautiful was that these people - fighting a war that a lot of them didn't want - put it all aside for one day. They understood that the other side were men just like them - men with friends and families. Men who had thoughts and feelings like they did.

And you captured the whole emotion of the fic perfectly. I think your stories are excellent, but this is the best piece of yours I've ever read. You descriptions are perfect too!
scrumptiousinternetllama chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
This was wonderfully done. It was heart-breaking and I enjoyed every word. I liked how the person Godric met was Salazar and that even though it wasn't the equilibrium many of us would have been hoping for, the story came full circle. The yearning that all the soldiers felt was palpable and it was a wonderful AU.
DolbyDigital chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
I really loved this the first time I read it, and I really loved it this time, too. I thought it was beautifully written, and your characterisations were perfect. I loved the friendship between Godric and Salazar, even if it was bittersweet, and I liked how you created such a believable scene, with some really powerful imagery.
shadesofmidnightsun chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
This was really touching. I mean, the Christmas Truce was amazing enough in and of itself, but adding Godric and Salazar to mix really did it. I'll be in the corner nursing my feels.
Debs1990 chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
This was a really lovely story, and I second what you put in your AN about a call for peace never being misplaced. I felt so bad for Godric as he reminisced about Christmas time at home with his family, and thought about the other soldiers who had girlfriends or wives at home. The best part for me was when he starts singing Silent Night and the others all join in, and eventually the Germans join as well.
'But here they were, singing together over the trenches, and Godric thought that he could tell the same longing in their voices that he had in his heart.' Such a beautiful line. You did a great job with this and I was saddened at the end when it was back to business a few hours later, even though I knew it was going to happen.