Reviews for Mortificaveritis Daemonium Habes?
xXxPhantomxXx chapter 2 . 3/31/2018
The Earl is kind of serious here. I would've thought you wanted to keep Allen around a bit longer, and try to make him part of his family. I'm glad Wisely is more sympathetic and empathetic towards him. I wonder what's going to be the first move to try and get Allen to trust them.
marmag1 chapter 2 . 1/23/2018
Have a problem with this chapiter?
Guest chapter 2 . 12/6/2017
Can you fix it I can't read it
Guest chapter 2 . 12/6/2017
Can y
TEAM SasuNaruHina chapter 2 . 11/30/2017
may want to fix the format in chapter two. The reader can see pieces of code that the reader should not be seeing.
xXxPhantomxXx chapter 2 . 5/30/2017
I'm really glad you updated; it's been awhile, but the chapter has weird links and numbers and it's just not like a regular chapter. Hopefully, you fix it soon. Thank you!
xXxPhantomxXx chapter 1 . 3/20/2017
I kinda hope the whole Noah family regrets hurting him. Poor Allen; he's already lead a hard life. Can Wisely show visuals from the past? Not just in words or thoughts? If so, I hope everybody sees how miserable his life was and is. I'm ready for this: on board! Can't wait until the next chapter:)
ME chapter 1 . 12/22/2016
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE WRITE MORE! I love this SOOO much, and I need to know what's going to happen next. Please, I'm begging you! I'll do anything! JUST WRITE MORE!
Mana D. Campbell chapter 1 . 7/26/2016
I really want to put some long ass review but then. . .I really like this story and hope you will update soon!
Ryuakilover chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
I think Wisely care for Allen. He's already seen Allen past and now I wonder what is exactly he thinks of Allen or their new fourteenth.
Allen been suffering enough already just let him rest from this war.
Everyone betrays him
His parents abandon him as soon they saw his red arm ( I think )
Mana love him coz he have Neah. Cross take care of him coz Neah too. The black order kind to him but turn their back right away after they learned about him. And now the Noah's hinted him coz Neah betrayal.
The kid really need some break and a love
Pure love to him. Not coz of Neah not of innocence but love for his real self 'Red' or we all knows as 'Allen Walker '
Awesome fiction I hope you will continue this fiction and can't wait to see the next chapter