Reviews for The Best Traps
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
That was awesome, thankyou for that.
sirensbane chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
This was absolutely wonderful. I loved Clark’s method of dealing with the Weeping Angels, since superspeed really would be good for keeping them at bay. I love that the doctor only offered Brainiac one chance (“I’m that kind of a man…”). But most of all, I loved Bruce’s greeting to the Doctor, indicating that the Doctor has been there several times before and in several incarnations. And how the Doctor casually recognizes J’onn. Everyone was in – character and the writing was good. Awesome crossover that is going straight onto my favorites list.
Killer Hamster chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
Nice story!

I only discovered this when I was rooting through my old PM inbox. Kind of surprised that this story did not get as much attention as it clearly deserves.

So far, no complaint here, this story finishes up its arc pretty quickly. For the Doctor it is like a day in the office for him. Though, I would be really interested in probable future stories that shows the impact the Doctor has on the DCverse.
Crow T R0bot chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
This was a very well-thought out crossover, though it could have benefited from being broken up into several chapters. Nonetheless, you hit all the notes a shorter crossover needed to hit.

The Doctor had wonderful chemistry with the people around him, and you didn't make Superman look dumb despite standing next to a man who thrives on outsmarting his enemies. The whole trick to them dealing with the Weeping Angels, complete with plausible technobabble, was a satisfying conclusion to a tense scene.

And of course, it figures it's Brainiac of all people who would try to hijack the TARDIS. Probably should have done more research before trying to hijack her. Whoops.

Part of me wishes you had referenced Superman's thoughts on the crazy stuff that happened in the Davies era, like the Battle of Canary Wharf or the theft of Earth (was the League off-planet at the time or something), but that wouldn't have been important anyway.

In short, good job here.