Reviews for Masks
Prisma19 chapter 9 . 3/26
This one of the best Batfamily fanfics I have read, all that was missing was Barbra. The way you write everyone in character is so perfect. I love they way Stephanie is acting like a normal child and everyone is trying their hardest to care for her and ensure that they all are a family. I especially love Bruce in this story because we get to see what he is like as a normal father and his emotional side, even though he is still DaddyBats and scary as hell. The moment with Stephanie and Bruce on the room melted my heat as well as the one where he punished her, which was funny and sweet. I also love Jason the most in this because I love fanfictions of Jason with kids and babies. Jason would be an amazing dad, even though his kids would loose their innocence by age ten. Jason has this funny balance of treating them like kids yet also treating them like mature adults at the same time. I just love it when authors balance Jason angsty side and his loving and compassionate side and you did that beautifully.
What I also love about this story is they have a chance to show emotions and do things they normally wouldn’t do. They as well as Stephanie have a second chance to bond together and it’s so heartwarming to read. What I love the most is that they have the chance to be and act like a normal family. I love the idea of them acting like and doing normal things that normal people do. Please continue this story, this story is too amazing to be left unfinished.

These are my favorite lines/words

As the weird guys in the costumes began to talk Steph looked around the place. It looked like a cave and it was really creepy. What kind of weirdos dressed up and lived in a cave?

Alfred and Bruce's word is law. No arguments. (Except I would add, unless it’s Alfred getting onto Bruce then Alfred’s word is law, and Bruce’s isn’t, even though Bruce doesn’t think it is or wants to listen).

“Relax Dickie. She has heard far worse around Gotham."

“Blondie don't go comparing Gotham to anything. It is a category all its own. Second, we are adults and know when and where to start throwing those words around."
LOL so true Jason!
RenesmeVivio chapter 9 . 8/19/2019
That was good. Steph got the love she deserves. The Bats acting soooo family friendly which is you know a little bit not them. I mean they are sooooo normal and comfy, and looks like they given up to fix Steph’s de-aging issue.
Will she be staying like this forever? Her memories are back now but yeah. What will happen next? Care to add another new chapter?
Well, your the boss of your fic, the ball is in your court.
Inthenightguest chapter 9 . 1/14/2019
Okay I just read all of this! And man it is amazing! The between all of them from Steph and Tim, Dick and Steph, Steph and Jason, and now Damian it's all too cute! I cannot wait for the next chapter! And to see where this is going! Keep up the great work
Tammi chapter 7 . 8/31/2018
I absolutely love this story! Please continue it!
Judy.Laura.L chapter 7 . 8/26/2018
Geez! has it been so long?! I can't believe it. I've recently been rereading some comics and I got to say I've missed reading some Stephanie works. I'm glad in your fic the batclan is treating Stephanie better than they do in the actual comics. Keep it up. I can't believe the spell could be permanent. the batfamily always finds a way. The thing is I wonder if Stephanie will remember this. All I know is that it will be a little sad for the boys when she changes back to her original age. thanks for the update!
Mimi chapter 6 . 6/25/2018
Please update!
Animelover6858 chapter 5 . 2/23/2017
Please update soon! This is by far my favorite story right now!
Leradomi chapter 4 . 10/24/2016
This type of thing doesn't go as a chapter it's actually against the rules, I thought you updated all your stories, s type of stuff goes as a poll on your authors page and the next time you update put an authors note to direct people to the poll.
Judy.Laura.L chapter 3 . 10/8/2016
thank you for updating. for a moment I was worried you had abandoned this.
Abbra063 chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
Alfred is immortal
Judy.Laura.L chapter 2 . 7/29/2016
i can't believe nobody's reviewed this yet. I always love stories with Stephanie in them. I always hated how the others treated her like an outsider when she tried so hard just to fit in.