Reviews for Buried Flowers
tivoli- oo chapter 3 . 12/12/2018
Ísland no. I'm crying oh my god
RebelsAdvocate chapter 16 . 6/26/2018
This is actually the second time I finished reading this story (I read it last summer and wanted to read it again this summer because I loved it so much). Still, it gave me chills, made me laugh, cry, and feel warm and loving all over. The way you jump back and forth between perspectives is so well done; even though Netherlands was the main character, it was everyone's story to tell. My favorite chapters were the ones where the Italy brothers worked together to defeat a hijacked Switzerland (heck yeah!), where Denmark and Norway got to see little child Iceland again (aww), and of course the epic saga of Austria and Switzerland journeying to Berlin, questioning an orphanage about their missing "child," breaking into a house, breaking into a church in disguise, kidnapping a child Prussia, and escaping through car chase. In this story you created a steady and clever plot, brought out many sides of the characters we all know and love, created a horrible villain that made me want to scream, and tied up all ends nicely. Managing to do that is quite a feat. You're a remarkable writer, and I hope dearly that you continue to bless us with your gore and your fluff and your feelings. ;) Thank you so much for this.
UselessLife chapter 5 . 9/20/2017
Oh I'm sorry I thought this was Hetalia not Attack on Titan, my apologies
UselessLife chapter 3 . 9/20/2017
I have no more feelings left
UselessLife chapter 2 . 9/19/2017
I don't know if I can continue this. I don't mind gore and i love angst but sometimes something is just TOO sad to read *i say as i continue reading*
UselessLife chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
My opinion of the first chapter? I'm in shock, disturbed, and intrigued
guest chapter 1 . 7/29/2017
Words cannot describe the infinite happiness I'm feeling right now.

It all started out so angsty, so gorey and aggressive it took me by surprise. Throughout the story those attacks were well paced (? In a way that still made me feel sad and surprised when a nation was attacked, never being overwhelming or too repetitive.

The way the mistery of why the nations went agressive didn't unfold rushedly. It was intriguing and it didn't make it feel as if the reader wasn't told enough information to understand and/or try to figure it out themselves.

The ending made me the happiest. Thank you so much for this fic!
Dying person chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
Okay I just finished reading the first chapter aND DAMN THIS IS INTENSE. Poor Prussia and Italy. I have so many questions! I'm gonna keep reading, brb :D
Silverly chapter 16 . 4/10/2017
:0 YASSSSS! /shot

Ahaha, I'm so happy for this ending like honestly! I kinda quit halfway through after Sweden died because I was so sad since he was gonna be saved and that wasn't fair, plus I was already sad from everyone else dying, but I'm really glad that I came back to this cause I felt waaaay better! (Well, I felt worse for a few chapters... but then I got really excited again, so there's that, haha!) I hope all of those people are dead forever, honestly.

However, my emotions during this just prove you're a really good writer. I was sad and scared and frustrated and all that fun stuff, so you know, good on you, and thanks for the emotional rollercoaster, even though I never got my permission slip signed for this feels trip. I honestly thought you were gonna have a plot twist where for whatever reason Netherlands isn't cured but I'm so relieved you didn't lmao) (I should've just stayed with the Russia-Kitten story, but... eh, too late now.) Jolly good show regardless! :)
Nordic-Fan chapter 16 . 4/1/2017
Wonderful ending, it's amazing. You're a really good writer, in case you haven't already noticed. This should get more notice. I took hours to read this.
AvversarioCasuale98 chapter 6 . 1/2/2017
I feel bad for Russia. He was so happy he was going to be free...
And for Netherlands' first guard who got fired. He even watered the flowers!
AvversarioCasuale98 chapter 2 . 1/2/2017
Prussia's funeral, along with Austria and Hungary, made me tear up. That was really sad.
And poor Baltics, but the fact that they decided to stick together to get though this is really nice
Midnight chapter 16 . 10/9/2016
Happy ending! Woo! And unlike requiem, this one did not leave me in tears! :) I noticed a slight dennet, or maybe that was just me.. :P I dunno, but this was a fitting ending.

The whole fic, I was desperately hoping for Netherlands to receive karma, but when he did, I only felt pity. This man was forced to murder his family and friends, and obviously felt like a monster. Thank the gods he didn't attempt suicide! *cough* Russia *cough*

So far, I've completed every single story on your account (yay!) and I'm eagerly awaitting your next fanfic. Is it gonna be fluff of gore? Please pm me your response!

Post more stories soon!
-midnightdemonhunter feeling happy for Netherlands
Mely-Val chapter 16 . 10/9/2016
Fantastic! This was a great great fic!
All My Fandoms Are Killing Me chapter 16 . 10/8/2016
What a touching ending. I'm glad that it all turned out well.
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