Reviews for Kill the Boy
Krionik chapter 29 . 4/4
Loving this so far, I hope you get back to it at some point in the future! :P
Foxy-Floof chapter 29 . 2/1
Christ, this Cersei is a fucking Red Queen... not half as smart either.

Here's to Sandor, who's honest about being a killer.

And here's to the Starks, who are all still alive(after a fashion).

And here's to Daenerys, who's not as broken or harried as the Breaker of Chains.

And here's one more to a Westeros that's still mostly at peace, mostly alive, and where the smallfolk aren't mostly slaughtered by armies, bandits, and white-walkers.
ReadForMyLife chapter 3 . 12/14/2019
man that's gold
Guest chapter 19 . 9/18/2019
Wow. This chapter really fucked it up. Cersei's sudden and irrational hatred for Jon is shocking. As is the fact that Tyrion is stupid enough to allow Littlefinger to live.

The story was going so well up until this point but now it seems like you're just grasping at straws to keep it mildly entertaining. Such a pity.
Lee McLeod chapter 29 . 9/15/2019
Just wondering when you were going to update your serious I’m on the edge of my seat written a story we hope you update soon it’s been nearly a year
Sebine chapter 14 . 8/18/2019
this is like a discount version of Robb Returns, honestly
Sebine chapter 6 . 8/18/2019
ya need to put page breaks in-between different points of view
Elise chapter 29 . 8/2/2019
Very cool and amazing!
MegaMindAuthor chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
Hilarious that they automatically believe everything Jon is saying! I'm just baffled by the insanity in this fic.
stylo1 chapter 21 . 7/6/2019
the mountain gets ambushed in the swamps of the neck but escapes because of his armour deflects the arrows. and what about his horse? after which he would simply sink into the mud with his heavy armour.
dont make a story more then it is because you want to but without reason
stylo1 chapter 19 . 7/6/2019
the part of euron meeting jamie is strange, jamie went from kings landing to braavos os maybe pentos yet somehow encounters euron who would never go there for the danger of the royal fleet nor could he send the ship on course for valyrian so bad that jamie cant correct this.
cercei taking over casterly rock seems to unlikely, kevan is the castelian and he isnt incompetend. not even the mountain can beat an entire castle full off men.
ned starks decision of marrying sansa to the tyrells can go really bad and is more of a gamble then anything.
betrothing robert arryn at age 7 and sending his future wife with him makes no sense, might as well just handed the vale to the tyrells.
baelish should have been killed the moment the king came back to kings landing. though his guild may not be enough of a crime being an incompetent cunt with to much ambition is enough of a reason. things work different in the south yes, you can get away with more for none give a fuck about honor, but this works both ways in that you can get killed for less for pissing someone off.
its a shame you dont have more world building with jon cause while notherners and free folk may be nearly the same that cant be said for southerners and would bring loads of problems which you mostly ignore.
interesting story even if your summary makes no sense, controlling hodor in the present fucked him up in the past, how is fucking with jon the opposite of this? and there are to many loose ends as stated above.
ClaireR89 chapter 29 . 6/21/2019
Guest chapter 29 . 6/18/2019
I hope you update this fanfiction it’s one of my favourites we hope to read more
selenepotter chapter 29 . 5/25/2019
i very much like this pic. Don't listen to the anonymous reviewers.
mattemo153 chapter 29 . 5/18/2019
This is glorious!
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