Reviews for How to Deal With Vikings old
Descendant of Flaming Dragons chapter 1 . 10/4/2019
Descendant of Flaming Dragons chapter 1 . 10/2/2019
okay, the last guest to comment- you're an ass. genderfluidity isn't a ment disorder and it does exist. my elder broister is genderfluid and they are completely same and smart enough to function I todays society. it's close minded fucks like you who make me hate being a human being and with I was born as a dig or something. at least then I wouldnt have to deal with pricks like you. as for the author- LOVE YOUR STORY! I HOPE YOU BECOME BLESSED WITH AMAZING DRAGONS TO TRAIN YOURSELF~!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2018
I was freaking out about the gender fluid thing until i realized that the story is fiction and things that dont exist are possible and are somehow not a mental disorder
Ariel-Sarina-Jen chapter 41 . 11/30/2017
Hello! I absolutely adored your fic. It took a few days but I finally read through it all. Aran was an amazing OC. You did very well at keeping them all in character. The language barrier at the beginning was funny, and it was nice that Aran and Hiccup could speak in public without anyone else knowing what they were saying later on. Their relationship was gradual and natural and I loved it. I know I laughed a lot while reading this. And I think I may have cried at one point? I can't remember when? But I'm pretty sure I did. I'm super emotional at the moment so it's entirely possible.
I like that you added that Snotlout had to deal with his dad's judgment on him being bisexual if he ever found out. It was tough telling my very Catholic mom that I was bisexual, and my aunts insisted it was just a phase I was going through; so I know the fear of a parent's reaction.
I liked the agreed polyamorous relationship between Astrid, Heather, and Fishlegs. It's nice that it worked out for them. It's a little weird reading about one since they aren't really talked about around my town. But at the same time it was nice being able to relate to them about it, even if mine didn't work out at all each time I tried it. I guess I'm too possessive and jealous for one to work?
But anyways it was an amazing fic and I don't think I'll find another HTTYD fic that I like as much as this one. This is most definitely being added to my favorites. You did a wonderful job, and your writing is incredible. I very much look forward to seeing what else you may have posted. I hope you and your girlfriend are still together and going strong (you didn't mention her after working things out after your almost breakup so I hope I'm not making you feel bad by saying so). Also have a great holiday (since it's almost December already)! I hope life is treating you well.
Frost D. Zen chapter 41 . 9/18/2017
It's your story if you think it needs it then go ahead. Just make the rewrite story of this one Separate from the original one.
Koltrast chapter 41 . 9/10/2017
The story is great and if you want to rewrite it you definitely should. I believe that this fanfic hasn't gotten as much attention as it should have(although I guess that that is one of the drawbacks about writing fanfiction belonging to a fandom that isn't one of the most popular out there (-_-')).

Anyway, if you want to change things or rewrite it completely doesn't matter, if it makes you happy you should go for it.
Theinzmann111 chapter 41 . 9/10/2017
I would say yes, because I don't like how hiccup can't just ignore his feelings for the male oc and forbade astrid from dating heather, well sort of, plus I was hoping for more riders of burk and race to the edge episodes with the oc in them, not to mention I don't think you explained what the oc' dragon looks like, or what type it is.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2017
A Wild Boi chapter 25 . 6/12/2017
great chapter, and I like the Jónsi reference, had me giggling.
Patsi24 chapter 40 . 5/7/2017
Me gusta mas, la primera historia, que esta en el tiempo moderno
DarkDust27 chapter 40 . 5/7/2017
This was a great way to end this fic and I can definitely see Hiccup having one problematic child that he doesn't quite see eye to eye with. Thanks so much for the completion of this wonderful fic! :]
DarkDust27 chapter 39 . 5/3/2017
Yea traditions have kinda been thrown out the window here but its all still cute nevertheless. I can't this fic is almost over it doesn't seem like its been that long since this started but I really I'm excited to see the conclusion of this.
DarkDust27 chapter 38 . 4/30/2017
See now Aran has got the right idea, Hiccup (and everyone else) could learn a thing or two about proposing from him.
DragonTemeraire chapter 37 . 4/28/2017
Nooo what will I do when this ends D,:
DarkDust27 chapter 37 . 4/28/2017
To be honest I can't see Vikings caring much about being gay as long as you eventually have kids at some point to continue your family line ya know?
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