Reviews for Sinister
Inanna chapter 28 . 4/25/2017
I've really enjoyed this story so far. I liked that Apocalypse gave us some hope regarding Mira and Charles at the end, but I'm not holding much hope to see anything regarding a relationship in the Dark Phoenix saga/movie that was just announced. And if they do, call me a pessimist, but I don't think it's going to be the happy ending that I think they, well, pretty much deserve at this point. But that's the thing that I love about fanfiction, if there is some plot line, relationship, etc. left unresolved in a movie, book, tv show, fanfiction is there to plug in the gaps or add onto those stepping off points. So even though I might not get my Charles and Moira "fix" in the theater, I certainly can here. Thank you :)
Inanna chapter 18 . 4/23/2017
I think I'm developing a crush on Quicksilver XD
Inanna chapter 15 . 4/23/2017
I've been trying to figure out who Emma is here since it's not Emma Frost. Was thinking at first it might be Emma Steed, but now I'm thinking it's Emma Silverfox from the Wolverine movie? Still not sure. chapter 28 . 8/4/2016
Really nice reunion and more than great ending. The last contact simply left me speechless and with the anxiety through the roof! I'll wait so eagerly for A Friend In Need! Really nice ending.
Until next time, thank you.
GeekgirlAnne chapter 28 . 8/2/2016
New reader! Loved the two stories you wrote!
Hi chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
Yayay! Such a happy and fluffy ending! I was half expecting something bad to happen like the end of "beach." But I'm glad you didn't. I can now contentedly wait a week.

Also, thx for the shoutout :)
jguti210 chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
Aww! Loved how you ended the story. Especially with that little cameo with erik. Cant wait to see those two on the same side. Because laura will be in your next story i imagine youre gonna bring in logan? Are you going to do anything with jeans powers? When i had watched the movie apocalypse i left wondering how the emergence of her powers early would affect the timeline. What will i do with myself for a week? Lol. Any plans beyond the next part? Any plot bunnies running around? If you need a sounding board im available. Lol. Congrats on another well done story! See you next wk!
Rafaperez chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
I can't wait for the next story, you're my favorite writer, a life saver to all Moira&Charles fans that want to read about them. I just hope you'll bring new stories after "a friend in need ". Please :))))
knightphoenix2 chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
Heh, heh, heh, heh ...

Looks like Essex is about to find out just *HOW* real things get when he messes with the X-Men ...

Great story, with a happy ending!

(So far ...)

Please keep up the great work with Volume Three!
Nobs chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
Great Story! Loved it as usual and excited that Erik will be joining back with Charles in the next installment. XMA made me happy that Erik turned out to be good. What can I say, I've always seen good in him too (Charles wasn't the only one-haha).
Thanks for writing! I look forward to your daily updates :)
Coyote Blues chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
I literally lost it when Charles's "friend" showed up to the point where I woke-up my boyfriend and then had to lie and say the cat scratched me, that's why I yelled. I cannot wait for the last installment to see what a role "friend" plays in all this (yes I know who it is but just in case anyone else doesn't I don't want to ruin it :)

This final chapter is wonderful and such an amazing closure for the story. I am so happy to get a Kevin, then a Moira, then a Charles POV to tie-together my second favorite X-Men family. I'm super looking forward to the baby's arrival and seeing how he/she shapes things for the family. I am also excited to get more Kevin in the next one, and see how his powers are coming along as well as his fitting in at the school and making friends.

I have some ideas of what you might bring into the next story, but I decided to just be surprised. Maybe in a PM I'll mention something if it comes up during the next installment.

Bravo/a on another amazing story! I'm going to be sad this week without anymore Sinster to read. Guess I will just go back and re-read "On a Beach" and "Sinster" to prep for the next one :)
Elora Donovan chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
Yay! Wonderful final chapter. You're a very good writer. I'm looking forward to the next story!
savedbygrace94 chapter 28 . 7/31/2016
Wonderful story! See you in a week! chapter 27 . 7/31/2016
I found this chapter very tender. Read Kevin attitudes moved me a lot! Thank. Lux.
savedbygrace94 chapter 27 . 7/31/2016
I'm excited to see the dynamic between these two little groups pan out!
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