Reviews for Caesura
Lovesall808 chapter 11 . 1/27/2018
Please continue your amazing story! I am hooked (pun intended) I can't wait to read more !
Killian's Patronus chapter 11 . 10/30/2017
It feels so good to come back to this story! As always, I love the way you describe things, whether it be places, people or feelings. Reading Killian and Emma's letters and seeing how receiving news from the other always helps them to go through their sometimes difficult days was probably what I liked most about this chapter. Can't wait for the next update!
melsbells91 chapter 11 . 9/28/2017
Such a marvelous update! It was so nice to jump back in to the cute yet dark world. Their letters and soft smiles and dancing around their emotions while dancing with each other is just too sweet, even with the looming darkness of war and death always hanging overhead. I look forward to more letters and when they can reunite again. Can't wait for the next update.
Bebe17 chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
I love this story so much. It's so poignant and just beautifully written.
ListerOfTardis chapter 11 . 9/3/2017
This is awesome! I'm so impressed by your research!
PastOneonta chapter 11 . 8/8/2017
This is so good! There is poetry in every one of the words you choose to describe settings or feelings. The emotions, the heart and soul of the letter writers, of Emma, Killian, Henry and Graham is beautifully conveyed. I feel as though I am with them, holding my breath against the fear and against the hope. Should Emma allow herself to care for Killian she knows there is a great chance he isn't returning. If Killian allows himself to hope for returned affections from Emma he can't hurt her by falling in battle. He is at the front now, whether he is sketching or in combat he is in the front lines.

Amazing writing, please know how much we appreciate this story and your sharing your time, your talent. I hope real life is better for you. We look forward to the next update whenever you can post. I am very worried for Killian, and young sweet Graham in love with Ruby back home. I am still worried that Henry will sneak off and Emma will be distraught. I am glad Emma has companionship but she sees so much loss there is no relief. There are the letters from Killian and that will have to sustain for right now.
Clairvoyant94 chapter 11 . 7/26/2017
I was so thrilled to see an update on this story! The characters and the setting are so perfectly developed, and you have such a way with language. I love how you manage to make simple, ordinary things so meaningful and achingly poetic. For example, the line "Her name, her words, her home address scribbled on the corner of the envelope" hit me hard. It's lovely to see how their communication progresses as they become more comfortable with writing to each other. I also really like the glimpses of Emma's relationship with her parents in this chapter. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story!
Riley S chapter 11 . 7/24/2017
I adore this story. I also love all the facts and tidbits at the end you give us (I love history). your writting is simply superb and I cannot wait for me. thank you for this gem!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2017
Oh my gosh this opening is amazing! I love how you set up the story. It's really neat that you started in modern day. I can't wait to find out what Killian and Emma's story is.
Killian's Patronus chapter 10 . 4/30/2017
I would have so much things to say but I'm finding out that, just like Killian, I can't find the words.
This chapter was really heartbreaking. I hurt for them both, for their painful past and their difficult present. The moment when she discovers his paintings, and especially when she sees his painting of her, made me cry. It was so full of emotions and the way you wrote it all was once again amazing. I truly hope for a better future for them. I hope Killian will come back soon and not too broken and they'll be allowed to heal together.
Oh, and I really loved how you slipped some quotes from the show here and there in this chapter! I noticed some in previous chapters as well but I forgot to say it before. Anyway, I can't wait for act 2!
Killian's Patronus chapter 9 . 4/29/2017
Like evertime I'm reading a chapter of this story, I found myself going through an incredible palette of emotions. Your writing is just amazing and I absolutely love how this story is developping. I particularly liked the way you wrote the dance scene this time, switching point of views between Emma and Killian. And it was just perfect to picture them like that!
gusenitsa chapter 8 . 4/10/2017
That chapter deserves way more screaming that I am capable up at 6 o'clock morning, Still fricken imaging. For now I'll just have to sum up as very poignant, and I now how to finish my experiment with a broken heart !
gusenitsa chapter 7 . 4/10/2017
I'm already nervous for them and he hasn't even left for the front yet!
gusenitsa chapter 6 . 4/10/2017
I think I may be enjoying the authors notes almost as much as the story!
gusenitsa chapter 4 . 4/9/2017
The description of Emma's exhaustion puts mine into context , thanks for that. Overnight imaging stinks :P lovely stories make it easier !
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