Reviews for Ask the characters of Miraculous Ladybug!
Galaxy Chip chapter 4 . 9/18/2017
you are offically in my group of marichat!
Sharon Delacruz chapter 10 . 5/30/2017
1) i love this story!
2) this is for the class: do you ship kimlix
(In case your confused kimlix is kimalix)
Guest chapter 8 . 5/23/2017
To Alya: Would you like to be a fox-themed superhero?
sonic chapter 9 . 1/8/2017
hey marinette and adrien, how would you react to seeing a new guy in class who acted and sounded like he was an alien, and then you both follow him to a blue police box, and find out he actually was an alien, and the box was actually bigger on the inside, as well as a spaceship, also, alya, how would you react knowing that you have an alien in your class
Guest chapter 10 . 12/15/2016
To Everyone, -hugs-
To Mylene, Why do you like the song Smelly Wolf?
To Adrien, Have you ever considered that if you cross paths with a black cat you would get bad luck so if you walk a circle around an akuma and they step across that circle they might have bad luck?
To Marinette & Adrien, (Bc I'm annoying) HMMMM How about if I told you, you two were the alter egos of France's Super Heros Ladybug and Chat Noir 3
To Plagg and Tikki, did you start as kwamis or were you a human or another creature and got turned into kwamis? Also can you turn into humans?
To Rose, How about when you got akumatized? HUH? YOU WEREN'T HAPPY DEN!
To Evie, do you wanna hug, because you are getting one -hugs-
Btw Paw~Some Story 3 (Sorry If I already reveiwed something like dis, It kept on saying 105 reveiws I think it should say 106 reviews -.-)
NormanTheGreat chapter 10 . 12/15/2016
To Mylene, why do you like the song Smelly Wolf?
To Adrien, Have you ever considered that if you cross a black cat's path you get bad luck so if you circle an akuma, and they cross the circle they would get bad luck?
To Adrien and Marinette, (Just to Annoy you), HMMM what would you think if I told you two you were Paris' Super hero's Alter Egos?
To Plagg and Tikki, Did you start out as kwamiis or as humans or another creature and then magically got turned into kwamiis? Also can you turn into humans?
To Adrien, How would you react if another Chat Noir/Adrien entered this world from another universe?
To Evie, Do You wanna a hug? Because you are getting one no matter wut! -Hugs-
Nice Story Btw 3
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
To Adrien: have you ever loved any other girl other than Ladybug/ Marianette
vacress chapter 10 . 11/23/2016
No one can take pride away. I think. Maybe. I don't know actually.
The Demon Queen chapter 5 . 11/19/2016
To Adrien, and Marinette, Hey guys so How would you react if I told you know who Hawkmoth is? Because it Gabriel Agreste. They have the same ring, and he has a picture of your mom in his broach. Also Sabrina do you love Chloe like a sister, and Chloe do you like Sabrina like a sister?
Guest chapter 10 . 11/17/2016
Guest chapter 10 . 11/14/2016
P.S: Can you show this clip to everyone so that they know what a joy division is?
Sir.funnybunny chapter 10 . 11/13/2016
Lol this is super funny!
My lady chapter 10 . 11/13/2016
1(chat noir) tel us the reasons why you like ladybug.
2(marionette, ladybug, adrien, chat noir) how did u guys find out your identities and when did u start dating.
4(marionette) when was the first time u and adrien kissed without the mask
Guest chapter 10 . 11/13/2016
*what is
Angel-of-Anime Mizumi chapter 10 . 11/13/2016
Chloe, SHUT THE HELL UP! No one really likes you. Also, don't you dare answer or comment on another's question otherwise you're getting a Mizu no Ryuu (Water Dragon to everyone who doesn't know Japanese.) to the face!
So, could you [Chaton Jaune] and the cast answer the unanswered questons (Including the dress preference one cause Chloe's answer doesn't count.) for me please? If not, I understand and I'll just ask this new batch of questions instead. Also, I should have said that Chloe was to be exempt from answering the Bee Miraculous question because I pretty much knew her answer, sorry.
Plagg, what makes camembert so appealing to your appetite?
If the class was a zombie apacolypse team, who would be the first to die? (I'm so sorry for asking this!)
Nathaniel, have you ever tried or done other forms of art like sculpting?
Rose, how hard was it to make that perfume of yours?
Marinette, what made you decide from wearing your hair in a bun to wearing it in pigtails?
Alya, is your hair natural because I like how your brownish-red hair transitions to a rust color.
Kwamis, why are you all so freaking cute!? XD
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