Reviews for Gifts
Mr. Ursine chapter 14 . 7/11
Fine old story. Love the idea of giving the Beast a demonic boost. More people should do that. It’s fun.
Fireflystars79 chapter 4 . 9/18/2018
I just wonder why Cyborg has a texan drawl. Although I'm sure its similar to how he normally he speaks in the series.
Raven 1082 chapter 14 . 8/27/2018
Great Story

The characters act, for the most part, realistic and the plot is interesting. Although It's kind of sad that the emotions are now no longer manifesting themselves as a whole person...
ssjEasterBunny chapter 13 . 7/24/2018
As usual, you utilize some nice imagery. I liked the Titan's ship "descending in a loud whine of underjets". You also do well with intense moments, in this case when Dick, Victor, and Kory were suspicious of Gar and Raven until it was proven that they weren't imposters.

The bond between Raven and Gar reminds me of the connection between Kory and Dick in KryllaOrchid's "E'ara" series. It's massive but if you haven't read it then I can't recommend it highly enough. It's basically required reading for any Titans writer.
ssjEasterBunny chapter 12 . 7/24/2018
Very good. A quick resolution to this Brotherhood of Evil cafuffle. It was a nice bonding moment and catalyzed some growth on Raven's part. It did seem to happen a little quickly, although in defense, the same tends to happen when I write. Actually I guess it's presumptuous to call that a defense, just because I do it too. In any case, well done.
ssjEasterBunny chapter 10 . 7/23/2018
I really liked the moment in the beginning of the chapter, when Gar gives Raven tea and she thanks him by just putting her hand on his. It was a very human gesture and felt like a genuine interaction between them.

Nice description of Rouge's assault on Gar. Brutal but an effective way of preventing him from transforming. She intends to kill him and every one of her attacks conveys that.
ssjEasterBunny chapter 9 . 7/20/2018
Daww that's a nice moment at the end. Not a dramatic romantic display, but a bridge crossed all the same. Gar's become more emotionally insightful. It's more than he displayed in the show, but some growth is to be expected, and he did show ability to empathize with another person's emotion stuggles during the Terra arc.

Is it just me, or do the "momma" moments really break the immersion. He never said that in the show and I'm not sure why you would invoke it from Teen Titans Go. To be clear, I love that show and find it hilarious, but the characterizations are parodies of their canon selves. It also feels weird when Raven seems to have no reaction (or even an opinion) to be called "momma".

Anyway, the story's already written so I'll stop whining about that point. I do love the progress they've made and the way in which it's occurred. Gar's kiss was rather sudden, but then, he's impulsive like that.
ssjEasterBunny chapter 7 . 7/16/2018
"Animated ooze" - Very nice.
"Yeah, I'm all like that" - Not particularly Raven-like, but the sarcasm is on point.
There's a lot of apologizing going on, but I suppose it makes sense since these two are essentially trying to reconfigure into some kind of compatibility. Bumps and clashes are to be expected. Bahhhhh I just know that the Brotherhood of Evil (lol) is going to swoop in right when I'm most focused on Gar and Raven. But that's life; it doesn't wait around.
ssjEasterBunny chapter 5 . 7/16/2018
Shorter review this time. I love the character interactions. With the exception of Dick and Victor, we've gotten to see every permutation of the Titans interacting with one another. Admittedly, I was forced to hit my head on my desk a few times as per our rules, but these dates have been incredibly touching. Some time ago, I would have thought that Raven was being too oblivious to her feelings (how can she not see what's happening between her and Gar?) but I've since seen similar events unfold in real life with an equivalent lack of insight on the parts of the participants. So it is certainly within the realm of plausibility.
ssjEasterBunny chapter 4 . 7/15/2018
There was a moment in here that felt very natural and organic, and yet also cathartic and progressive. When Gar made the "chicken coop" joke and Raven laughed, your words really took me into both of their minds.

"He looked at her, angry at his eyes for misting over, wanting to remember this moment for the rest of her life" put me right behind Gar's eyes. I love the complexity conveyed here; he's falling for her, and he's simultaneously insightful about it but also does not resist it in this moment. You then describe Raven's laughter from her perspective: it was relaxing and natural, rather than intense and unwieldy. I'm always looking to understand how someone like Raven would handle the emotions associated with attraction and affection, and this felt very much in-character while also taking her out of her usual safe zone.

I also loved the exchange when Raven pretended to have stipulations for their movie date and Gar spat out, "Agreed! Whatever they are!". I'm not sure Raven would be so forward so early on, considering that the whole 'he made me laugh and no one go hurt' revelation happened only 45 seconds earlier. But it was still a fun moment that made me smile. Which brings me to the conditions...

(1) Dinner - Yep this is date territory.
(2) Clean your room - WHOAAA Raven moves quick!
ssjEasterBunny chapter 3 . 7/15/2018
I'm assuming Raven was sarcastic when she replied, "Mmmm waffles!" to Victor.
I'm not sure if "y'all" is used when speaking to a single person. Maybe it is?

We're going to play a drinking game. Every time Gar calls Raven "momma", I'm going to hit my head on my desk. That's the only rule. There's no drinking.

All of this said, I enjoyed this chapter a lot. A few quick glimpses into Dick's character, tied in nicely with Gar's. We can see Raven taking an interest in Gar, allowing herself to see him differently and possibly replace her existing impressions of him.
dld51 chapter 7 . 7/6/2018
This story is great Beast Boy and Raven interaction is fun to read about. But I think is needs to continue. Raven's mother want to meet Beast Boy. More chapters are needed.
ssjEasterBunny chapter 2 . 7/3/2018
I wonder what Jinx's relationship is with the Titans at this point. Raven seems to keep her at a distance but Starfire apparently does not, since Star told Jinx about the plan to hook Raven up. Odd that Gar got so angry about the gift at the end, but maybe that's frustration masquerading as anger. On to the next chapter!
ssjEasterBunny chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
I have to say, this seems a hell of a lot fancier than any 18-year-old's birthday I ever went to. It's Gar's surprise party, not his quinceanera. Nitpickng aside, though, it was good to have some one-on-one interaction with Raven and Starfire. I'll have to see if there's any context regarding that latter's feelings toward the prior's love life.
Taygon55 chapter 3 . 3/31/2018
I came back to this fic to re read it because of how much I love it and I now have an appreciation for the welding arc line now. I'm learning to weld and I flashed myself and had a star of light in my eye for 5 minutes so I feel ya Raven.
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