Reviews for Brotherly Love and SYDNEY
MissNMikaelson chapter 1 . 1/28
I came to the relic hunter corner for a quick read (maybe a one shot or something) and I found this. I'm favoriting it so I can find it again later and binge read the entire thing when I have the time to go through the first story and this one.
Lucy chapter 15 . 8/31/2017
Steam! Wonderful end!

I loved this fic so much, Nige had suffered but he found his happiness, I'm so glad! He became father! ;)

I enjoyed reading your work, anyone can see the time and the dedication you put on this fic. Just hope you'll have enough will in the near future to write more to us. Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please?

Love you, Steam! Wish you all happiness, and thank you so much for sharing this amazing fic!
beatrix.acs chapter 15 . 8/27/2017
Derek to the rescue! Gosh, I am so glad he appeared and saved Nigel because how this would go down, I am really not sure. That Millie girl has certainly a lot to explain, what possessed her to make up such a story? Unrequited love? Hurt pride? Some people are really able to do everything to get "revenge" on their broken heart instead of dealing with it how they really and appropriately should.
I am so happy and thrilled to see that the rest of the wedding went without any problems and that the honeymoon (what gorgeous destinations, by the way) went just as smoothly. Those two deserved it for certain.

Those paparazzi are worse than hyenas! Okay, and I should take my words on Millie back, but honestly - she could have chosen a different way. But I am glad it's been sorted out with Mr. Wykes, although we saw him go. I was wondering what you have in plan with Millie as she kept appearing and I am actually delighted with what you did. :)

Seeing them back on Trinity is a lovely picture and YAY for the BIG and AWESOME news! :) They are going to be amazing parents, really. This topic is so close to me right now as my beloved colleague in work is going to deliver her baby in two weeks, so we all feel in work like big aunts. :) I was so happy to see Jonathan Randal being welcomed into this world and being pampered by his super parents and other memembers of their wide family.

Ah, so this is the end? Wow, how quickly the time has passed, right? I can say that it was quite a big ride and I enjoyed every single second of it. With all the ups and downs and I am grateful to see the happy ending. If anyone deserves one, it's Nigel. You are welcome for my reviews, I always try to appreciate the writer's effort and yours is exceptional. Thank you so much for writing this, not giving up on it and giving us another insight into the lives of Relic Hunter characters some of the original characaters I definitely came to love. Thank you! :)
Lucy chapter 14 . 8/11/2017
I loved ! I hope you write more fics that deal with after season 3! I was so angry when the show ended.
beatrix.acs chapter 14 . 7/22/2017
First of all, I'm so sorry I haven't read this chapter the moment it got posted, as I always try to do, but you posted the chapter exactly on the day I left for my vacation with a very limited access to internet, so I could just wait until I get home.
And now towards the chapter - what a BEAUTIFUL wedding, I must say! I loved all of it and it makes my heart sing to see those lovebirds finally together and as they deserve. Honestly, I read the whole chapter anxiously as I felt that you wouldn't give Sydney nightmares if nothing happened, so I just awaited something bad happening. And eventually, it really did... I so hope that Nigel is going to be okay. Mr. Wykes must pull himself together, really.
Loved this part (despite the ending), loving the whole story and I can't wait to read more. :)
beatrix.acs chapter 13 . 6/26/2017
I love this chapter so much to see them all happy and joyful as they deserve. And especially to see the whole family gathering together with all their friends, past and new ones.
I am so grateful for involving Preston in some romance, it is definitely sweet to see him courting Darcy and I think they would make a great couple! I hope you have in mind to keep this going. :)
Really adorable to see Nigel fretting over his vows - so typical of him. Just remember, Nigel, to say the right name so you would not end up like Ross from Friends! :D :D Either way, to see him bond with the twins again just shows what kind of nice person he is.
I really cannot wait for the wedding to see!
beatrix.acs chapter 12 . 5/23/2017
Thank you for the chapter! :)
At first, I was afraid that their wedding plans would be disrupted by another Relic Hunt, as that one really looked appealing. But then, Sydney turned it down and that was somewhat strange. Either way, I got to udnerstand why it happened and I was so thrilled that Sydney gave up a hunt as she had prepared Nigel's birthday surprised already. She's a real sweetie. :)
And so excited to see the wedding preparations going. I agree with all of her choices, not to mention that I love that Nigel is in contact with the little boys he saved.
Now onward to the wedding! :)
Guest chapter 11 . 5/1/2017
yay cant wait for the next chapter. good story!
beatrix.acs chapter 11 . 4/30/2017
Yay for the chapter! :)
And what a chapter it was. I so knew that Nigel is going to propose, despite the difficulties the height gave to him... Ahhhh, what woman wouldn't want such a romantic proposal on the top of the Eiffel Tower in the City of Love, right? It was clear that Sydney would have never said "no" so here we are with engaged couple and excited for the upcoming wedding!
I'm glad that while in Europe, they decided to visit Preston and all his family. The surprise party was a sweet touch from Preston.
I'm sad it didn't go without a nightmare but Nigel is definitely doing his best for dealing with and I'm proud of him for that.
Well, they're back from their relic hunt/engagement circle and can dive into the wedding planning, yas!
beatrix.acs chapter 10 . 4/11/2017
It is so nice to see Nigel getting back to his normal life again. I am definitely pleased with his decision to continue with getting his Masters.
His thoughts about relic hunting are natural and understandable, just as his reluctance to actually start again. It was really thoughtful of him to ask Derek to train him and gain some new skills.
It is not just for protecting himself and Sydney, but also for his own confidence to know that he has something to feel good about.
And I am so proud of him how he dealt with telling Sydney that he is ready. :) They are really so cute together.
I loved the thrilling hunt! That was so amazing and Nigel did very well! I could totally picture them standing there, and waiting for something to happen after they put up the stones and nothing. :D
As for the ending - I might have something in mind, maybe Nigel did some surprise ;) Or it is another hunt, or some trap, who knows? I'll see in the next chapter!
beatrix.acs chapter 9 . 3/9/2017
Well, wish has not been granted, as I see... Nigel's time at Trinity started well but it ended up to be a disaster (of sorts). I feel really sorry for him, but maybe these types of experiences will help him to prepare for the outside world. It was for the first time since he's returned to the US, and he was confident in coming back to Trinity, and I think that he actually handled it quite well. It could have been worse.
Also, very nice to see Randal Fox coming into the picture! Why I'm not wondering that he questioned Nigel's intentions? :D Well, the conversation they had was really nice. I loved Randal admitting that he sees Nigel as a son and his sweet expectations about the marriage. Giving him the ring was a wonderful choice. :)
Another amazing chapter, as always! Can't wait to read more! :)
beatrix.acs chapter 8 . 2/19/2017
Awwww, so glad to see another chapter being posted! :)
Those two are just so perfect together, aren't they? I'm really happy that Nigel overcame his fears, worries and nightmares and was able to make love to Sydney. It's really a great step ahead for him, not only in his relationship with Sydney, but also to overall healing from all the ordeal he suffered.
I understand his need to get his hands on something, I'm not that type of person who would just sit and do nothing. :D And being homesick, after all those weeks spent in London among his closest ones, just sometimes happens. His conversation with Preston was really cute and their brother relationship only blooms for which I'm happy.
And I love Nigel being confident in his new steps. He is demanding trying new things to test his own boundaries whether he is ready or not to go further. So, I hope his time on Trinity goes well and according to his wish.
Brilliant chapter, thank you for the update and I can't wait for the next one!
beatrix.acs chapter 7 . 1/15/2017
I loved the "actual first morning together", if I can call it like that. It was so important for them to wake up next to each other back home, returning back to normal life. :)
It's very nice to see that Nigel keeps having support everywhere he goes and just because everyone really loves him and appreciates him for who he is.
I applaud Niles' bravery to tell Karen about him and Sydney without hesitation. He set her right about his feelings which is correct. She's always had a crush on him but never really went for it. Well, he's taken now.
But so sad to see that she wants to leave them... :( Well, I trust you on this, anyway.
And I'm so happy that most likely Nigel's and Sydney's relationship will come to fruition! :)
Great chapter, as always. Keep it coming!
beatrix.acs chapter 6 . 12/4/2016
That was such a sweet chapter. :) Seeing all those people who care about Nigel celebrating his leaving because they believe him that he is ready enough for that was very cute. They gave him very clever advices, thinking about his well-being as much as they could.
Preston really stood up as Nigel's brother and it had to be hard for him to let his little brother go to pursue the relationship with the woman he loves. But, on the other hand, he wishes him the best.
I'm so happy that Sydney and Nigel are back together in the same city, same place and even the same bed! And take your time with your anxieties, Nigel. Sydney will wait for you. She might be hot-headed sometimes, but she always waits for what is worth and you are, Nigel.
Thank you for the chapter. :)
beatrix.acs chapter 5 . 11/6/2016
Yes, another chapter! :) Thank you really much for it.
Sydney's reaction to what happened was amazing. She believes in Nigel's powers more like no one else and she will make a wonderful nurse for him. Heh, that visit at the doctor reminded me my own a couple of weeks ago due to my sprained ankle. Only it didn't heal up with some miracle like Nigel's hand, but I had to keep my ankle bandaged for a few weeks. Anyway...
It's nice to see Nigel and Sydney getting more intimate. Too bad that Sydney had to leave back to Trinity, but honestly - I do understand Dean's demands.
And oh my God - Preston's the best brother ever! I LOVED Popeye when I was a kid, watching the show all over again and even having some comic books. I love spinach only thanks to him, lol. :D
And as I see - the Malta's vacation is coming to its end... Cannot wait to read what you have in store! :) I believe that Nigel will ask Sydney to marry him soon, as well!
Once again - no need to thank me. :) Chatting with you and reading your story ís all my pleasure. The least I can do is to bring some appreciation.
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