Reviews for New Arrivals
Guest chapter 67 . 7/15
Please update soon
It’s been months since an actual chapter was posted
I’m sorry for being pushy but this is an amazing FANFICTION on the vampire diaries it’s better than the show
Destinyd643 chapter 67 . 4/24
I love this story sooooooo much, you’re writing and the timing of certain events happening are amazing.
Alymariet chapter 67 . 2/4
Re-read all the chapters and it definitely sounds like it will be a bit less unnecessary complicated drama. Love the story either way though. Rooting for phoebe and elijah all the way!
coolgirlrocks.p chapter 1 . 1/19
Please update soon
This is the best vampire diaries fanfic ever
Everyone loves phoebe please continue soon
That2-one3-girl4 chapter 64 . 1/12
It's like you don't have enough drama so you just create it ? Out of thin? Air? What even? Loosing memories of the past 6 months? What. Even.

That2-one3-girl4 chapter 42 . 1/12
HE just screws EVERYTHING up doesn't he?
That2-one3-girl4 chapter 39 . 1/12
Why are they letting Kathrine hang around there?
With the lack of mutual respect b/w D and her, the chemistry b/w them has become non existent.
jgood27 chapter 66 . 1/2
Love this story and cant wait to read more
Guest chapter 66 . 12/4/2019
I hope you didn't lost your inspirtion for this story.
Guest chapter 23 . 11/7/2019
Question: how exactly do I find the link for your pinterest page
BlueBloodsSVUOrder chapter 66 . 9/13/2019
Wonder what’s gonna happen next? Can’t wait to find out.
NeonSkys chapter 66 . 9/12/2019
Yay! So glad you’re back. Can’t wait to see how phoebe fairs with the hunters curse. Really really wanting more Klaus and Phoebe interactions, I always loved them together!
ellie.wright101297 chapter 66 . 8/15/2019
Love this story so far
hiareportsyou chapter 65 . 8/6/2019
I don't think Phoebe is failing to be a vampire, Stefan is a failure of a vampire.
A huge fan chapter 66 . 8/3/2019
Spoiler alert if you did not watch last season of originals.

With the hollow they split it into 4 vessels because the hollow possessed hope. In the last season they were able to use the siphoner twins ( Caroline’s kids) to get the magic out of hope and transfer it over to Klaus where he then ultimately killed himself along with Elijah. You can use the siphoner vamps in vampire diaries season 8 to instead of transferring it to the originals transfer it over to a person that can be killed off if you like. Also, the reason the Mikaelson sibling were chosen as vessels is because they are all blood related to hope, immortal and hard to kill. So either have siphoners take the magic out of hope, kill off the hollow before she possesses hope, or never have the hollow possess hope in the first place. In the last episode of season 4 Vincent mention a spell that could kill off the hollow given to him by the hollow’s mother maybe you can play around with that too? Hope this helps and awaiting the next chapter of your story.
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