Reviews for Capture My Star
BlueCandyMac chapter 28 . 12/29/2017
This story is so good! Although I should let you know it popped up in the “Complete” search, so you should probably see about fixing that, unless that last chapter was the end. In which case WHAT. Please don’t leave it ended like that!
BlueCandyMac chapter 14 . 12/28/2017
Just wanted to let you know, it’s not a G spot on guys. It’s a prostate. But either way this chapter was really good. :)
Guest chapter 4 . 10/30/2017
Seeing Dean being all "SuperDad" like that just made my ovaries explode. That right there was better than smut.
Cherry Maxwell Jones chapter 27 . 4/28/2017
omg, I read all the chapters in a row, t was a good story, I loved it!


I'm so, so sad about Dean and Cas's love story ;-;

Nice work!
AliceCullen3 chapter 27 . 4/10/2017
AnnitaChibaKou chapter 27 . 4/6/2017
Oh Chuck, it was the perfect finale for this story. It had the perfect balance of angst and happines and hope. With the way they ended things in the last chapter it would have been to forced if they made up as soon as Cas was out of jail. They both needed time to heal.

Thank you for all the feelings and I hope to read you again soon(I am a sucker for Drarry as well so if you write it will totally read it).
thatwritermadeofpotatoes chapter 27 . 4/6/2017
Aw, I like this ending so much better xD This was so sweet, I love that you brought it to Sam's graduation and Gabe and him are together. I ESPECIALLY love that Cas came to town and asked Dean out for coffee, that was a great ending point:) I loved this story so much, I'm kinda sad to see it end though, hopefully I'll see more Destiel stories from you in the future! A major thank you to YOU for writing this lovely fic, it really made me happy. In other news... AAH YES DO A CHAPTER DRARRY STORY YAAAAAASSSSSS I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH OH MY GOD
lenail125 chapter 27 . 4/6/2017
Awwww! I am glad how you ended this...
Guest chapter 26 . 4/6/2017
AnnitaChibaKou chapter 26 . 4/5/2017
Why in the name of Chuck do you play with my feelings? Thankfully Crowley did the right thing and sent John to jail (shouldn't be saying this but I hope he becomes somebodys b*tch), and loved the detail of being Cas the one to suggest that Gabriel should testify, he always taking care of Dean 3

Was not happy with Cas breaking up with Dean (throws tablet across the room) but I do hope he is doing it so Dean won't be in the need of visiting in jail (if not I will seriously kick his ass).

As you can see, there were lot of feelings on the chapter. Can't wait for the epilogue.
Aralain chapter 26 . 4/5/2017
No! No no no no NO! What's wrong with you? Why do you hate us? I don't understand...! Sobs.
rainwolf88 chapter 26 . 4/4/2017
WHAT! The ending just killed me. It is a great chapter and although it hurt to read the ending, it was so well written. As always you did a great job!

I don't know if I'm reading to much into this, but is there going to be something between Dean and Lucifer? I ask because of the way Dean describes him and his actions, specifically the comparisons to Castiel and his smile.
lenail125 chapter 26 . 4/4/2017
Well I am glad Dean got Sammy back and that John got what he deserved... but that end though... it was sad
thatwritermadeofpotatoes chapter 26 . 4/4/2017
OH THANK JESUS THERE'S GOING TO BE AN EPILOGUE CHAPTER, my breath actually hitched when I read that this is the last one xD This was so fudging emotional, OP, my heart can't take anymore rides on this roller coaster of feelings(too cheesy?) But, seriously, amazing job, as always, and I can't wait to read the (hopefully happy) epilogue!
Guest chapter 25 . 3/30/2017

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