Reviews for Falling
impatiant princess chapter 20 . 3/11/2005
okay yeah it has been over a year since you've last updated this story. i am becoming even more impatiant than usual and i would really appriciate it if you either started the sequal or you would stop saying that there is going to be one, it's really annoying and you are a great author, and i'm so sorry for being rude but that is how i feel, and i think you should start the sequal because this is one of the beat stories i have read on this website.
me chapter 1 . 10/10/2004
the best story i have ever read here! hurry up and make the sequal!
fallenangel555 chapter 20 . 8/31/2004
your story was so good. i really hope you'll come out with the sequel relly soon if you haven't written it yet.
sfsdf chapter 20 . 8/24/2004
Whats the name of the sequel!
ApParate away dm chapter 20 . 7/3/2004
WHAT'S the sequel?...did u write it already...did u start it?...i hope so...pleease
indecisivepunk chapter 20 . 3/12/2004
heh nice concise ending...
Arwen chapter 20 . 3/1/2004
I loved this ff. it was so good. i cant wait till the sequal. you should start writing it soon. i'll be waiting so plz hurry!
AIMKrazyCutie08054, Lunaria08, xxDinaarwenXX
plz IM me sometime cuz i love talking!
Arwen chapter 20 . 3/1/2004
I loved this ff. it was so good. i cant wait till the sequal. you should start writing it soon. i'll be waiting so plz hurry!
AIMKrazyCutie08054, Lunaria08, xxDinaarwenXX
plz IM me sometime cuz i love talking!
Bridgie chapter 23 . 12/5/2003
I have read it right through, chapter 1 through 22 and I love it! please write at least one more chapter!
indecisivepunk chapter 23 . 6/15/2003
put up the half-chapter
Elena Marie chapter 22 . 5/24/2003
I love your story, keep up the good work and i can't wait to read more!
Jamie Farrell chapter 1 . 5/16/2003
Hey, well, I havent read this story - YET, busy as hell, HOWEVER i really like the sound of it, and I was wondering if you would be interested in posting on a fanfiction site I am currently making (Its still under construction so not many people have joined yet) Anyway, all genres and shippings are allowed, etc.

So if you are interested, either email me at OR join the site .com and send me a PM there (TzAmZ) and I will let you know how to post.

When the site is eventually up and running and open to the public, reviews will be definately welcome, however flamers are not.
alannah chapter 22 . 5/15/2003
omg! why'd u have 2 stop there? ugh...that is SUCH a good fanfic! o man, now im gonna have 2 wait. and im now SO addicted to this 1. boo hoo. lol.
indecisivepunk chapter 22 . 5/11/2003
well at least hermione really wasnt gone... and draco seems sweeter. its so sweet
roswellwbfan chapter 22 . 5/11/2003
Hey, sorry it took me a few days to update but I couldn't access this chapter for the longest time. Anyhoo, while I am sorry to read that this story is going to end I must admit that the tension to see where the story is going has grown to unbelievable proportions. Poor, poor Draco. I like the trick that Troy played on him and love that Hermione just brushes off his behavior as totally normal (albeit weird) for him. I wonder what she'll find in the Restricted Section of the Library? Great chapter and thanks for updating!
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