Reviews for Of Truths and Dares
Galaxina-the-Seedrian chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
Okay, before you start questioning why the heck I'm reading a yaoi fic even though I don't really like yaoi/yuri, let me make this clear: couples in stories are subjective. They should not, in fact, deter my reading of the story. As long as it's written and grabs my intrigue, I will read it; rarely do I actually review it, though. And honestly, I'm reviewing it for a few reasons.

One, the setting is interesting, but the problem is is that this is gonna make it SO EASY to make Isabella the bad guy, which I'll give you points if that's not the case. Secondly, their relationship seems a little rushed, so I kinda wish that this was longer; like, maybe there should've been more to the Truth or Dare scene. It feels like the beginning of it is missing even though the beginning is as it is, but that's my opinion.

Honestly, in spite all my minor quarrels with this fic, I kinda liked it. Though nothing really stood out to me in this, it seemed kinda sweet for it being a couple I don't really enjoy. Sometimes we just need a little feel-good story to read. As for the grammar, although shaky and, again, rushed, it's still understandable, and because of that I deem it worthy for a read (for those who either like this couple, or are interested in just reading a feel good story). :)

Now onto the second reason why I reviewed this fic...le sigh...if there's anything I hate about fandoms, it's people who feel the audacity to believe that "my ship is right and yours is wrong, screw you, you're stupid for thinking this couple is good, go die in a hole". Even though I don't like these couples (for religious reasons and because I'm honestly not interested in them unless they're canon usually), I tend not to shove these things down people's throats because that's the polite response. I know this seems like I'm being condescending towards these kinds of people, but honestly I've fallen into this trap in the past, and looking back on my immaturity it ruined the fun of being a fan of certain fandoms due to the hatred of others and my own hatred and disdain of couples.

To phinabella, you silly filly, let me tell you this: you like Phinabella? Great! I do too! I also like Ferbella. And you know what? That's okay. Because, let's get this straight, it's a cartoon, and really we shouldn't waste our breaths complaining about what we like and what others like. If this guy likes PhinDjango even though you and I don't really like it, is it really hurting anyone? You didn't HAVE to click on this fic. But you did. So the least you could do is shut your smart little mouth, and use your eyes to read the product and judge it by the quality of the story and not by the couple it's showcasing.

And now my daily rant has been satisfied. Again to the author, great job. I hope to read more of your works in the future, and hope you continue to improve in your works as an author. ;)

phinabella chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
Noo this can't be happening . Phinabella needs to happen not this. Dejio is a minor charter. Why write a fanfiction on him