Reviews for I Would Do Anything For You: Outtakes, etc
jdcocoagirl chapter 25 . 10/3/2018
oh wow, this wow, i did not expect way too much emotion on this outtakes but it is i like the last bits...
jdcocoagirl chapter 24 . 8/22/2018
this chapter seems the first rendevouz in going all the way...
i cannot wait how the present will aflame their love and passion once again.
RKF22 chapter 24 . 8/19/2018
CubbiesFan1 chapter 24 . 8/19/2018
This was definitely a needed relief while waiting for the next chapter of the main fic!

This was so fun. Very steamy and sexy. Jonny being so typical Jonny. You do an amazing job of showing just how much these two love each other. It definitely goes beyond just sex. Even though those parts are super fun too.

Can't wait for more! Hope your computer gets fixed soon and you can recover the files!
jdcocoagirl chapter 23 . 6/13/2018
this was really fun to read it feels like a reward. kind of remind's me of dawnson's creek pacey who needs rewards through sexual desires
CubbiesFan1 chapter 23 . 6/11/2018
Yeah this was great! Super hot! Loved it!

Can totally see Jonny and Jessie doing this, having a strip tease/sex study session! Really fun to read so I’m glad you posted it.

And let’s all keep our fingers crossed that you can recover your file. 30 pages! I can’t wait!
RKF22 chapter 23 . 6/11/2018
loved it
jdcocoagirl chapter 22 . 3/26/2018
Oh my gosh, I love this chapter. How big mistakes, anger and emotional charge guilt trip are mend with simple actions, stubbornness, gestures and trust. I like that jess is getting more open and even though she's not there yet to be complete giving she's trying to stay strong. I think Jonny' the same.
I did see that race and Stella coming to terms of their past and their present I cannot wait how will that overannalyzing will go.
I cannot wait for race to comfort jess and Jonny as well.
Hope to see hadji soon.
RKF22 chapter 21 . 8/6/2017
Excellent work can't wait for more
jdcocoagirl chapter 21 . 8/6/2017
wow this chapter seems like a turning point. the way jonny said all he thinks about is jessie kind of reminded ne a song of "I think about you" by bryan adams.
I like how Jessie is now awake I can't wait to see her fight and save Jonny.
more soon
jdcocoagirl chapter 20 . 4/21/2017
wow did not expect this to be so heartbreaking and i felt that keri is hanging tough for allthe four of them.
RKF22 chapter 20 . 4/15/2017
Excellent work can't wait for more
jdcocoagirl chapter 18 . 1/6/2017
this version is much chilling, stomach curling and blood churing... i cannot wait to his how clay will be bruttally tortured and killed. i cannot wait how will jonny explain thing to the hospital
Goddess Evie chapter 18 . 1/3/2017
Oh my gosh this was fantastic! I can totally see your dilemma in choosing which ending to go with. I loved them both. I don't think I would have been able to decide. I'm so damn glad you gave us both.

What I really liked about this one is that Jonny and Jessie got their reunion sooner. And Race and Jessie too. And it was all beautiful.

But I also like that Race (and Greg) is going to take Clay somewhere to exact the best revenge. It was a little scary that Jonny was pressing Race to be able to go as well, but I'm glad Race wouldn't let him. And kept him focused on taking care of Jessie.

Still, I'd like to see what Race does to Clay. But like you said, it's a storyline that won't be pursued in the main fic. And please don't feel any pressure to write it. Just focus on getting the actual fic done!

Again, thank you so much for posting this. It was so dang awesome. You make me jealous with your amazing writing! I really mean that! I will always look forward to more from you with this story and any other's you choose to write!
CubbiesFan1 chapter 18 . 1/3/2017
Wow. I am totally torn in regards to both your rescue versions! I think the one with Jonny was great and it felt right having Jonny be the one to save Jessie simply because this is The Real Adventure of Jonny Quest. And it really shows Jonny's love and dedication to Jessie.

But what you did I loved the inclusion of Temple and Jade in the rescue. Temple's scene with the Sheriff felt so very real in regards to your version of Greg Temple. It was great. And I like how you have him as an old Navy buddies of Race. Was he also a part of I-1 with Race like in the show? Either way, its great.

And the actual rescue. Race went old school! Loved it. I love that he didn't outright kill Clay (even though the bastard deserves it) and I cringed when Race shot Clay in the kneecap. Very cool.

And now I just need to know what Race and Temple plan to do with Clay. Where are they taking him and what are they going to do to him? Somehow I think Clay will never be seen again! And how is Race going to explain this to the authorities? I know he'll have Phil in his corner no matter what, but I see Phil might have his work cut out for him in defending Race and his actions. Especially if Clay ends up disappearing forever.

And its like sweet justice that they are using Clay's drug on him. Temple is right. Clay messed with the wrong pappa bear!

So at the end of the day. I'm torn. Both versions are spectacular. They really are. And of course I want to see how both versions play out, but that just means more writing for you! Do you plan to continue both versions?
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