Reviews for The Hands of the King
Nurayy chapter 16 . 12/14/2019
This story is so utterly wonderful! You packed so much in it. So many feelings. Mirth, beatiful friendships, worry, fear, grief... And so much more. It is at the same time heavy and light, dark and fair. A firework of feels.
I love the friendship between Legolas and Gimli. So sweet his fierce determination Gimli shows in protecting Legolas. His distress and fear of losing him. So beautiful the love he has for him.
And the arguments and discrepancies, the judgements between Legolas and the twins, between their different kin. And then they overcome it. That was heartwarming.
The conversation with Elladan about the sea, how much trust he put in Legolas to tell him of his own longing. And when he makes Legolas answer the same question he asked him, of why he would stay and not give in, he would stay because of his father, and for his friends Aragorn and Gimli. There is such a treasure of friendship between the three.
In the end to hear Aragorn's voice, to see how he feels went deep to me. His great love for Legolas. The way he sometimes feels like a small boy with his big brothers. The burden of his inheritance he is carrying and the way he feels guilty and responsible for all his loved ones who follow him and support him.
You write everything so palpable, touching and beautiful.
I don't know how to praise your writing, I don't have words. I don't even know if you still see reviews. I hope you do. Because I really want to thank you. Thank you so much for writing such wonderful stories!
Nurayy chapter 8 . 12/11/2019
Drugged Legolas is hilarious! I laughed, I tell you.
An the ending of this chapter where Gimli describes how he sees Legolas is splendid.
This story is refreshing and uplifting, a joy to read!
Nurayy chapter 4 . 12/10/2019
The care they have for each other is so utterly sweet, and their differencies and stubborness make it so funny, the way they don't understand one another and yet they do. You are writing it masterfully. I don't have words. A delight to read! And Aragorn always bringing the situation under control. So perfectly well characterized.
I love them three. Thank you for this story!
Book girl fan chapter 16 . 10/13/2018
This has been an amazing story and I have really enjoyed it. It's interesting, looking into the dynamics between the different kinds of elves.
NiFeTiSe chapter 16 . 10/1/2018
I love the way you write these characters. Beautiful story.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/11/2018
Love all the lotr stories written by this author... And especially the description of Gimli's charater here is so endearing... Of course all the characters have been written so well...:)
Mirrordance chapter 14 . 4/4/2018
This is really extraordinary. The depiction of the characters is so original and nuanced - strength, vulnerability, tension, love... but my favorite thing is that they seemed so foreign and otherworldly, as they should be. Personally when I read or write it is unavoidably from the lens of a mortal human in the now - i end up ascribing that perspective to the characters. Your approach, on the other hand, felt sonewhat alien to me when i started reading because i didnt understand the approach completely until i immersed more and a fuller picture emerged. It is so enlightening and immersive. Reading through this is like watching a flower bud bloom slowly and it is just as rewarding. Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/3/2017
I really like the dynamic you have between the 3- each of them have their own voice, and a Gimli- Legolas banter doesn’t sound like a Legolas-Aragorn banter. That’s so hard to write, but so fun to read! Thanks!
wotumba1 chapter 16 . 12/3/2017
what a wonderful Story!
love it!
wotumba1 chapter 15 . 12/3/2017
poor aragorn!
wotumba1 chapter 6 . 12/3/2017
oh. he shouldn't have taken them all...
wotumba1 chapter 5 . 12/3/2017
gotta love aragorn and his senses...
wotumba1 chapter 4 . 12/3/2017
he is not well, not really
wotumba1 chapter 2 . 12/3/2017
oh gimli, he will prove you wrong
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 12/3/2017
Gotta love gimli!
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