Reviews for Tells of the Hideous Heart
The Toxophilite chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
Great analysis. And yes, the main character is mad, but relatable at some point. People will do the illogical because of the feeling of pure urgency at times and the main character shows it perfectly.
Cobainlover4ever chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
I think many, many writers of films and books have been inspired by this story either consciously, or subconsciously. Indeed it may even be an archetype; "The Guilty Man Who Goes Mad."

I instantly think of two examples; your beloved, David from the film "Shallow Grave," is a perfect example. Also, there are several Woody Allen (I question the man's choices, but enjoy some of his films) which supply a seemingly 'normal' man driven by greed, love, desperation to commit murder. The man somehow escapes the noose of the Law, but never of his own conscience. This is the man's downfall.

I find the psychological elements of these stories fascinating. One wonders, is their an inherent flaw in a person's character to set him/her up to committing such an unthinkable crime? Or, do circumstances drive a person to take an action so far removed from their morality?

The fascinating thing about these characters is the fact that it isn't any outside force that punishes them, but the character's own sense of guilt. Perhaps the mind simply won't allow for such a thing as murder to go unchecked?

Wonderful piece of writing!