Reviews for Better Together
Shaniqua chapter 5 . 4/8
Why though I mean like she could’ve had a better excuse like I like my life too much to leave now not a dumb oh he didn’t say goodbye so I left
TheAmazingDean chapter 20 . 3/14
I'm sorry to say this, your writing is amazing and your premise is great too. But unlike other fanfictions where I sympathised with Lucy and in the canon version of their reunion, the way she acts in the first quarter of the fanfiction up to chapter 6 really made me hate her. It's like she didn't even care about Igneel and just flat out ignored the fact Natsu had been searching for him for 14 years, as well as the fact he watched him get ripped in half! Part of me was hoping that Natsu would hear what she said on chapter 5, shout at her and say that she's "not" sorry about Igneel, that she didn't care and she never did. Kind of an angsty route I know. xD I'm not intending to bash your fanfiction here, it gets great after the first quarter, the ending and epilogue I really like and your writing as stated previously is great. I don't hate Lucy, in fact, she's my favourite female character in all anime/manga, and NaLu is my otp, just the way she treats Natsu's way of grieving really irritates me.
Zikarioa chapter 12 . 11/19/2019
I am just disappointed that you had Lucy get kidnapped, you've done the one thing that so many people hate when it comes to Lucy. You had her get kidnapped, but most importantly, you made her weak.
Hayoen chapter 5 . 11/5/2019
literally love the sisterly relationship Erza and Lucy have, wish they expanded on it more in the manga/anime. Thanks for the cute scene 3!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/19/2019
Love it
K chapter 4 . 10/26/2018
Uhmmm I think you kind of forgot to include Wendy in the group... she's with Team Natsu. Anyway this was written so long ago haha
K chapter 1 . 10/26/2018
Ok... I'm reading this next. I love your other story and I really think s you're a great writer. Now, let's see your take on this Natsu and the rest leaving Lucy behind. I was honestly disappointed how the manga handled it. Lucy was so broken, she also just lost Aquarius, and then everyone just moved on... I'm getting carried away now haha
UltimateReading chapter 20 . 7/22/2018
This was such an amazing book! I loved every bit of it! Thank you for this wonderful book! Time for me to read the next one!
abauers14 chapter 20 . 7/6/2018
Amazing story and epilogue! I couldn't stop laughing when natsu was yelling at nab for hurting Lucy. That whole scene was 10/10!
guest101 XD chapter 9 . 6/16/2018
How am I only finding this now? Love the part where lucy finds out she likes natsu XD thanks for this fanfic 3 I love this!
sunita92 chapter 20 . 6/25/2017
You're such a good writer!
sunita92 chapter 19 . 6/25/2017
What a fantastic story! I love it!
sunita92 chapter 18 . 6/25/2017
What a wonderful chapter!
sunita92 chapter 17 . 6/24/2017
What a cute chapter!
sunita92 chapter 16 . 6/24/2017
What an awesome chapter! The way you wrote is damn good. I even felt tears in my eyes.
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