Reviews for Stardust
XWingedWolfX chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
So in the first chapter, you say she’s two, which makes perfect sense because she can walk around and choose her colors and stuff. Then we find out Karura is pregnant. Assuming the pregnancy is 9 months long, she should at the very least be 2 years and 9 months old. Considering that Temari can run around and play with her, we’ll assume she’s 11 months old, because 9 months is the earliest most babies take their first steps, and they usually can’t walk well until about 14 months, but we’ll give Temari some slack because she’s a ninja baby. By now our protagonist should be 3 years and 8 months old. Then, Karura is pregnant with Kankuro. Assuming the pregnancies takes 9 months, she should be 4 years and 5 months old when he’s born. Then, we learn that Kankuro can toddle, so I’ll assume he’s 8 months old. That makes Hokori 5 years and 1 month old when she learns Karura is pregnant with Gaara. Since Gaara is born early (about 7 months I’d say) so that makes her 5 years 8 months old when Gaara is born, making her about 18 when the invasion happens. She’s also almost ready for the academy! I wonder what that would be like and how it differs from Konoha. When will she graduate?

Also, don’t deserts usually flood in thunder storms? Just a thought. Please update soon!
XWingedWolfX chapter 3 . 8/3/2018
Nice! I like it!
BooksandBrownies chapter 3 . 6/17/2018
I really like your characterizations! And the tiny SS are adorable, not going to lie. Gaara will love his sister's plants, that's going to be adorable (though I might cry about Karura. And by might I mean I will probably cry about Karua, because dang it, the whole seal plan was super dumb, it was a bad plan and everyone involved should feel bad!)
I think you might want to look over your timeline for the ages, since you wrote Hokari just turned 3 this chapter, when Karura was pregnant with Temari when she was ~2, and Kankuro can't have really happened until at least 11 months after that. Hokari should be around 5 right now.
I enjoyed reading what you've written so far, and look forward to seeing how you change things! Thanks for posting, and have a good night!
Bergholt Stuttley Johnson chapter 3 . 6/4/2018
Wrong kage tower.
Elise477 chapter 3 . 6/3/2018
This is going to be soooo much sad.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/1/2018
Cool story :) I must however point out that in the third chapter Hokori would have to be at least three years old since she was almost one when Katie's becomes pregnant with Temari, a pregnancy last nine months, and then she was pregnant a second time. I'm also assuming that she did not become pregnant immediately after her second child based on Hokori's interactions with Temari before hearing of a third pregnancy as well as just practicality. That's another nine months, plus another good chunk of time for Kankuro to gain enough mobility to get into trouble etc. Based on this, it seems like in the point in Chapter 3 where Hokori talks about being two, she should be at least three, possibly close to four. That would also help make all her physical accomplishment a lot more believable. Just a friendly observation. :)
Cute-but-psycho824 chapter 3 . 6/2/2018
She's two? That makes no sense because pregnacies take 9 months, doing the math while giving you some of the lowest numbers posible. 9 x 3 - 2(for garra) 7 (for the moths inbetween pregnancies and her child hood) 32months. She would at least have to be 2years and 8 months. Other than that i really like this story, i love this plot and the characterisation! Hope you update soon~
Throwme-at-thewindow chapter 3 . 6/1/2018
This chapter is great. :)) Please update soon :3
starsarebright chapter 3 . 5/31/2018
You come back just to break my heart? How dare. This chapter was great though! Thank you for the update!
tokyoghoul234 chapter 3 . 5/31/2018
I love this story and your Oc. Please update soon, I can’t wait to see how this story will progress.
arapyanime chapter 3 . 5/31/2018
Nooooo Karura! Good chapter i really like your fic
DannyPhantom619 chapter 3 . 5/31/2018
So I'm guessing Hokori will either have Metal Release or some kind of branch version of it like her Father.

Though I wonder if she should start mastering fuinjutsu in order to help fix Gaara's seal and become as dangerous as Minato and the Uzumaki Clan were when using fuinjutsu/seals.
starsarebright chapter 2 . 1/16/2017
National Treadusure, this story.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/2/2016
Hi this is a great story can you make more chapters soon ok have to go talk to you later bye
Gal chapter 2 . 6/11/2016
Please continue this story! (This story's pretty funny!)
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