Reviews for Sibling Set-Ups
Blue-Inked Frost chapter 2 . 12/17/2019
Review from WA. This story set up some surprisingly sweet incest as well as normal family relationships and started the main character off on her journey to find love.

The first thing I saw from the first chapter was a long author's note, which made the story more difficult to read. When I click I want to read a story more than I want to read an author's note. In the author's note, you advertised that you use Google Translate. This isn't something you need to tell your readers - you're essentially telling your readers that your story is full of mistakes even when they haven't had a chance to judge for themselves.

It's OK to use Google Translate, but some tips to use it more effectively include: checking the reverse translation, checking different synonyms and wording variations for the phrase you want to translate, using other translation or dictionary websites to supplement the information, or even posting translation queries on Internet communities where many people are willing to help.

The dictionary you post at the beginning includes a lot of extremely basic words that most people will know anyway, or recognise from context. Like if you read this sentence in a book -

"Xuto," Ollie said to me, bowing his head in agreement.

Then you would guess from context that Xuto means yes in Ollie's alien tongue. I don't think you need an A/N to explain words like Madame, Da, and cariña.

"Iryna Rusivna Chernenka sighed as she watched her siblings, Natalya Rusovna Braginskaya and Ivan Rusovich Braginsky, hugging and kissing at the far end of their garden."

Beginning your story with an incestuous scene is pushing the boundaries for a T rating. My fandom blind understanding is that every character is a country so incest for the geopolitical concepts of Belarus and Russia is not quite A Song of Ice and Fire territory. Still, it's probably not what most readers expect from a T rating. I noticed you put incest in your summary, so kudos for making that clear from the beginning so that people who like it can find it and people who don't like it can click away.

"She didn't see them often, especially not now they were 'busy' with each other, and despite having a new niece, aged three, who sat babbling in her lap, she didn't have anyone to love."

I like how you set up the central conflict of the story so early by showing that Iryna is lonely and looking for love.

"He felt a little guilty, as though the trip had been forced, as he'd 'asked' her to come over by pointing out the fact they didn't really see her very much these days. She'd told him not to pressure or try to guilt-trip her, and they'd argued back and forth for a while before she'd finally agreed to come and stay with them for a few days."

I thought this retelling of what happened could have been tightened up a bit. It seems like the real forcing was not his initial, 'I haven't seen you very much these days and would like to see you more' (which isn't a terrible thing to say!), but rather in the 'argued back and forth' part. The narrative just skips over that.

"And there was no doubt in Ivan's mind that even though these days her initial approach to people had mellowed, and she usually came across very innocent and sweet, his big sister was still a strong woman with a fearsome temper."

There seems a huge mismatched perception here of Iryna's character - her brother thinks she's an angry vengeance seeker with a fiery temper, but your descriptions of Iryna pressured by her brother into coming to visit, sitting alone, sadly longing for love, and shedding tears make her seem a mildly depressed, isolated, loving, and fragile character. This in turn made me think the brother and sister are definitely no longer close to each other, since he has such a vastly different perception of Iryna's character to how the narrative describes her.

"With those two finding her a partner, Heaven only knew who, or what, she might end up on a date with..."

Aww, pretty cute beginning. This was overall well written, with clear prose that was easy to follow. I noticed that the description focused on the character's inner life and did not give the reader any setting or environment details - this would appeal to a reader who's largely interested in emotions and relationships. This first chapter established the beginnings of Iryna's character arc.

Since chapter 1 was very short, I also read chapter 2 for this review.

"The next morning, Ukraine awoke to someone jogging her arm."

The bossy sister plays matchmaker for the big sister in a cute way!

"to be greeted by the sight of her younger siblings rustling through an unnervingly large number of papers marked 'plans' with frightening enthusiasm"

This description struck me as suggesting a callback to a visual gag in the source material, where the artist draws the unnervingly large number of papers piled up on the desk. To have a similar impact in a story, I think the written imagery needs to be more striking and unexpected than just "unnervingly large". "I think I've walked into a snow globe," Iryna thought. Clouds upon clouds of white paper floated around her when she opened the door. Her siblings, their heads intently bent over the desk, released the next flurry of piled-on cumulonimbus in her direction. Iryna's heart sank when she ripped a paper out of the air and saw the heading marked 'Plans'.

"She winced and lifted up her arm, moving the papers aside to reveal a messily squashed piece of jam covered toast, sticky and probably cold."

This was a good description of the left over breakfast!

""Hm, I disagree, Sister. But that is not why we are here. It is irrelevant to my plans." She retorted" - the dialogue should end with a comma and 'she retorted' should be lower case, since 'she retorted' is the speech tag here.

"Da, because quizzes are fun!"

The siblings are certainly determined to help Iryna make a love match!

"Whether it was the knowledge that her younger siblings were about as far from stable as a very fast horse that had bolted a very long time ago"

Excellent description here!

"...Well, that helped. I guess we get every nation to date you then..."

Earlier, you had Iryna shake her head to say that there was no one from the nations she liked. That feels more like her problem would be finding no nation, not being open to dating every nation.

"Then again, her siblings were trying to be helpful and they did care about her. Surely their next plan couldn't be too bad?"

I'm sure that chaos will be wreaked. Most delightful chaos!

Hope that this review is more or less what you expected from the review game, and best wishes for your writing.
Marie chapter 27 . 7/22/2019
Awww~ I’m so glad Ukraine found happiness!
Sue chapter 23 . 7/7/2019
Ooh~ Canada x Ukraine!
Forever Prosperous chapter 18 . 5/28/2019
I’m glad Belarus and Russia haven’t interfered again.
Holly chapter 18 . 5/27/2019
Yay! I love this story so much! Can’t wait for more!
QueenOfRussia chapter 16 . 5/22/2019
Yay! Another chapter! I wonder what loving and Ukraine are going to do.
Forever Prosperous chapter 15 . 5/1/2019
Poor Ukraine. I hope she finds the right one without the “help” of her siblings.
EllaBella chapter 15 . 4/19/2019
OMFG another new chapter!
Forever Prosperous chapter 14 . 4/17/2019
I’m glad to see the latest chapter. Can’t wait for more
Holly chapter 13 . 3/22/2019
Yayay! Another chapter!
Grenadine chapter 12 . 3/13/2019
Oh~ I can’t wait to see what happens next!
LizCrazy chapter 12 . 3/10/2019
Not abandoned, updates are just slow while I'm dealing with uni work and exams soon, but hopefully I'll still be able to update sometimes!
Holly chapter 12 . 3/10/2019
I thought this story was abandoned! Please update soon!
Purplek9 chapter 12 . 3/9/2019
I'm going to be honest here...

I LOVE THIS STORY! It's so much fun to read, and I didn't realize that I wanted this kind of Ukraine-based story until I had it! Can't wait to see what happens next!
LizCrazy chapter 9 . 5/29/2018
CK Spencer
I haven't decided what the ending will be but I want it do be a lot longer so not just yet, no.
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