Reviews for Sink or Swim
Guest chapter 26 . 7/20
I really enjoy this story a lot. Thank you for taking the time to write it
spring94 chapter 26 . 6/29
ShoniWake chapter 1 . 5/25
I give up on the story and I have no idea how to explain why. The story is charming in it's own way, deep, but messy. So, undeniably messy, in every possible way. It's a jumble of thoughts and emotions that not always have any impact or any reason to be on the page. One moment the story flow is perfect and tear-inducing, and the next it's something incoherent that makes me feel stupid, because it questions my intelligence. I would spend few minutes on re-reading the sentence again and again, to understand it (because English is not my mother language), and find that there was simply a mistake and it was the only reason I didn't understand the context. Then it happens again and it's like a jolt after a quick break, it messes all the narration. It's a never ending loop. It needs a good editing. Also, the constant self-pity, persistent bad choices and the character that is supposed to be smart and doesn't add up, but maybe it's my own opinion. Anyhow, it didn't work out for me.
Angelicsailor chapter 26 . 5/9
stay Safe
PrincessMagic chapter 26 . 4/7
hey this is great!

and lucky! My uni's told us we still got two exams that we still somehow have to take online! (better than the OG 4 but stiLL!)

hope ur and ur fam r staying safe xx
Guest chapter 26 . 4/6
I love your writing and I love this story. Jamie is a very interesting character to read, refreshing even. Hope everything is going well for you!
sonotalady chapter 26 . 4/6
Love it!
Padfootette chapter 26 . 4/6
Great chapter
Konsla chapter 26 . 4/5
I had to look twice when I saw this was updated lol! Thank you so much for continuing, hope you're staying safe too, I love everything you write and can't wait for more.
Brookie Twiling chapter 26 . 4/5
New chapter! Yay! And so she finally says goodbye...
Stay safe, yourself!
xenocanaan chapter 26 . 4/5
Good luck with your submissions! I’m so happy you updated! I can’t wait to read more!
queen ares chapter 25 . 2/28
Reading this again has been great. Has it been abandoned?
olivia.rodriguez.927 chapter 25 . 2/13
I like this please update~
NightsBlackRose13 chapter 13 . 2/3
What did I do to deserve this?! At least elijah tears out hearts quickly! Damn that chapter hurt!
Keep up the good work!
fanficgenius chapter 25 . 12/21/2019
Pls update this wonderful story
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