Reviews for Le Papillon Rising
Turais chapter 49 . 6/19
Thank you for this wonderful story
Bonzenz chapter 49 . 11/5/2019
Jesus christ...I literally got chills at the end.
Luiz4200 chapter 49 . 8/20/2019
Poor Gabriel.
Luiz4200 chapter 28 . 8/20/2019
They're just as dense as their canon counterparts.
Fancool chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
That was so sad! It was so well written. I am very impressed with how well you did. The ending tied in so well.
64Felicity chapter 49 . 11/11/2018
Oh. My. Gosh. The ending is magnificent and heart wrenching.
Sonozaki Mion chapter 12 . 11/6/2018
The name really bothers me.

So either "Hawk Moth Rising"
or "Le Papillon Se Lève"
Or something else, but "Le Papillon Rising" sound like two different people talking in my head

You're not obliged to change, I just wanted to tell what's in my mind.
AG chapter 49 . 9/9/2018
A father who is willing to be a villain for his son so he can't be the one... At least it will be somewhat be a happy ending.
angelladyspring chapter 49 . 8/28/2018
This story is so awesome I hate it. It's gripping, it's tearing my heart apart.
The first half read so much more like a parody/ crack fic and I laughed a lot, the second half was ever the tragedy the genre promised.
That last bit in the last chapter was sort of expected but you pulled it of really well.

I applaud you for such well written fanfic, a different take on angst than most and compelling plot.
marauderluverz chapter 49 . 6/2/2018
so I finished reading the whole thing and wow. I loved and hated it at the same time. It was definitely an amazing story and the writing was amazing! Great idea. and perfect ending.
YellowWomanontheBrink chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
yeees this was awesome. i loved every minute of iy
marauderluverz chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
so I just found this story and the reviews peaked my interest. looking forward to seeing what happens.
astrumadamas chapter 49 . 10/20/2017
Shit. What a heartwrenching end.
KawaiiKitsune13 chapter 49 . 9/30/2017
I really enjoyed this story. It was well written, captivating and an emotional mindfuck. Pardon my French! Sorry, my attempt of a pun was shameful. Chat Noir would cry in disappointment. But in all seriousness, the plot was incredibly creative and I am not the same person I once was. Which is how I feel after reading my favorite books or fanfics. Thanks!
Daniel Letchford chapter 49 . 9/3/2017
oh wow good job and loved the ending!
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