Reviews for Crimson Winter
Anonymous chapter 42 . 7/13
Pleeeeeeaaaaseeeee update! I’ve been saving and rereading this story for nearly three years now! Please don’t give up on it! I know MCU has been insane with their choices so far BUT the beauty of fanfics is that you can accommodate and change at will because it’s YOUR interpretation of the characters! Sooo please keep going with this because I’m dying for more!
Pumpkinempanada chapter 42 . 5/28
Just discovered your story! I love it and your OC. You write Bucky so well as well as the fight scenes and tense moments between him and Katerina.
Mr.Almond Brown chapter 6 . 5/17
Oh my God! Hahahaha! That'd so freaking cheesy and kinky! XD "I'll always find you Katarina" God wish someone would say that to me. . . except for my family. . . I'd be pretty weird. . Z
Guest chapter 42 . 5/15
I forgot how much I missed this story hope you are doing great :) If you are ever interested in continuing this story I will hopefully be here to see it. :) Stay safe and happy.
newmexgirl20 chapter 42 . 4/25
I really wish you would continue this story. if you have what is the sequel title?
Fairy Tail Master23 chapter 42 . 4/6
Lyeneia chapter 42 . 4/5
Still with you. Gotta know how this story ends!
SunMoonAndAllTheStars chapter 42 . 3/15
I hope one day you come back to this story. I miss it very much!
Guest chapter 42 . 3/4

Whitwhit1893 chapter 42 . 2/7
Fingers are crossed that you continue this story. I think many of us would like to see this story finished someday.
Guest chapter 42 . 9/29/2019
This is the best winter soldier story I’ve ever read! I love all of your work and your writing is amazing! I can’t wait to read more!
Guest reader chapter 42 . 8/27/2019
This story of yours is awesome! I love your character Katarina and this new take on Bucky. Thank you so much for writing this. See ya around!
redshockflames18 chapter 42 . 8/16/2019
Please come back. You've made me obssessed with the idea of what more the story could become if we focus on Bucky. Please
Guest chapter 42 . 7/13/2019
I know it's been 2 years, but PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
seibertlauren chapter 42 . 6/30/2019
I love this story!
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