Reviews for The Protector
cagzclarine chapter 38 . 7/6
Votre histoire est très belle et très bien écrite. J'y ai retrouvé des accents de Marion Zimmer Bradley et de sa série Ténébreuse. Une magnifique épopée et des personnages plein de mystères et de profondeur. J'ai beaucoup apprécié votre récit et particulièrement les passages narratifs, remplis de poésie et qui invitent à la réflexion sur ce qu'est la vie, l'humanité, le partage, le sacrifice de soi, le dévouement aux autres, l’héroïsme et la foi en un avenir meilleur. Merci pour le partage.
mariasfharris chapter 39 . 7/4
Wow. Fabulous story. Thank you.
sweetsouthernsongbird chapter 39 . 7/3
Absolutely loved this! I couldn't stop reading it.
2old4fanfic chapter 21 . 7/1
Just getting back to this story—imaging learning about electricity, radios, etc in the same day—overwhelming
dandelion1112 chapter 20 . 6/28
Everything in Edward's head just got turned upside down. So many revelations! Great!
dandelion1112 chapter 18 . 6/27
What an excellent answer about the origin of the Thaay! And oh so true. I am reminded of some of our political leaders nowadays.
dandelion1112 chapter 17 . 6/27
So much surprises and confusing things. I am very curious! Edward is with an underground - Korinth? Or the Thaay? His mother is in command? What is his father's role? What about Jasper? What knowledge is kept from the people in the valley? I am a out to get my answers. Great story!
blewartrk chapter 1 . 6/26
I think ive read this before.
athome Jo chapter 38 . 6/23
Good story, beautifully written.
athome Jo chapter 37 . 6/23
That was one of the most beautiful love scenes I have ever read. Well done!
FanNan46 chapter 1 . 5/20
Why has this been on my TBR? This story looks like its going to be incredible based on this first chapter! Can't wait to see where this goes! So unique! ️
2old4fanfic chapter 19 . 5/16
Those DNA tests are bad news
2old4fanfic chapter 17 . 5/16
Nothing like a full belly to improve your outlook on life
2old4fanfic chapter 16 . 5/16
Mothers can have secrets too
2old4fanfic chapter 15 . 5/16
I’ve figured out what happened—I started reading this story, then someone else started posting a story with a very similar title that just jumped the shark. I never remember to unfollow a story, so I just ignored the weird story AND yours... which is a shame since yours is well written and intriguing
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