Reviews for The Tempering of Steel
Cascade00 chapter 47 . 7/24
Even though its been two year I'm so happy you've come back to update it. This has been one of my favorite stories and it's almost complete.
mirrorkinomoto chapter 47 . 7/19
Happy you updated and that you are safe .

As usual, you blow me away with the quality Hoennchampionshipping . It’s so satisfying after all of these chapters to see these characters be honest with each other and their feelings and I was just screaming when he said I love you " starry eyes " I was looking for some quality content today and you absolutely delivered, so thank you !

Can't wait for the two last chapters .
Storm Skyress chapter 47 . 7/18
Oh my goodness! What a ride indeed! I'm so glad that you are safe and hopefully well during these times too. Two more chapters to go and despite the time it may have taken to reach this point, I still hold this story dear. Gosh, I might re-read this all over again. That's how great this has been. Shorter chapter length than your usual but I'm just happy to hear from you. I will forever stick to this story. Thank you!
A Reviewing Reader chapter 47 . 7/17
You updated! I was just thinking of rereading this fic when I saw that you updated, so that was pretty awesome.

As usual, you blow me away with the quality Hoennchampionshipping - it’s so satisfying after all of these chapters to see these characters be honest with each other and their feelings and I was just screaming when he said I love you... I just. I was looking for some quality content today and you absolutely delivered, so thank you!

I totally know how you feel about time zooming by after half a year of not updating (I’ve done that on way too many of my own fics). This year has been so weird - feeling like the longest year ever yet time is flying by..

Anyway! I hope you’re doing well and I can’t wait for the last two chapters!
Guest chapter 46 . 7/14
I enjoy your story so much ! I love how you portray Steven and May relationship and how you develop it through the two timelines... You are a really brillant writer !
And the two last chapters... Finally ! Now that May knows Steven's true feelings I can't wait to see what will happen ! Hope you'll update soon.
Your story is my favorite fanfiction about Hoennchampionshipping :)
Guest chapter 46 . 7/14
Your story is just so good, the way you describe Steven and May relationship, how you develop it through the two timeline... And this two last chapters... FINALLY !
I can't wait to read how it will go on now that May knows about Steven's feelings... Hope you will update soon.
I think your story is just my favorite fanfiction about Hoennchampionshipping :)
Guest chapter 46 . 6/8
Please update soon. I’m begging you!
Maya-430 chapter 45 . 5/30
I really like this story. :) too many words to describe it all in. Lol
leafeons chapter 46 . 5/18
miss your updates! i often come and check to see if i’ve missed one. i hope you’re well especially during these crazy times! stay safe!
Rieth chapter 45 . 2/24
Omg, so much time has passed since you updated new chapters, and I haven't reviewed them! I did read them the moment it was updated, but I was thinking I would review it later since I was busy at the time, but then it extended on and on until it came to this point! I'm so sorry for the late review.
As always, the chapters drew me right in. It finally came to the scene where Steven had left after May became champion, and I have to say it broke my heart for the both of them. May still trying to adjust to being the new champion, hoping Steven would stick around to help her through it, and Steven wanting to change and be a man worthy enough of her love. It makes me wonder what made Steven think he wasn't worthy of it at the time.
I have to admit, when I read lunar dance, I was silently screeching in my room at the kiss. I was like "FINALLY!" All the twists and turns they had to go through, all the misunderstandings and lack of understanding in some cases have finally come to a close! They were finally admitting what they feel to each other! And I couldn't be happier for them. I do hope May would go with him. Clearly, she's not cut out to carry out such a heavy responsibility. Not to say she's incompetent, but her heart lies in adventuring and exploring new places, making new friends, and discovering new things. She's denied it for a long time, it's finally time for her to break free and be with the man she loves. Ooohh I can't wait to read the next chapter to see what happens.
Thanks for the awesome chapters as always!
griffindorkunimitsuerza chapter 46 . 1/22
OMG! This is THE BEST Daiharu fanfic ever! It does not the typical daiharu fanfic trend but I AM LOVING IT! You dear author ignited again the inner Daiharu ship in me! More more! xoxo
SmilingArtist chapter 46 . 1/9
I've gone and re-read this story for a second time and congratulations, you have blown me away again for the second time. I really love the develop of Steven and May's relationship. Hoping to see this story finished soon. I love the idea of them travelling together to Kalos and other regions :)

Keep up the good work!

Shikisai-san chapter 46 . 12/27/2019
This was amazing! I don't know if there are still compliment about this story that I can say that I haven't before. I've tried countless times to imagine how this story would end, yet you still managed to surprise me this late in the story. I had always imagined May would leave for Kalos while it was Steven's turn to wait for her, and that they'd part at the airport or something. The idea that they will leave together on new adventures makes me truly happy. It's an ending that they both deserve :)
Oh and even that single line about Sycamore and Phoebe actually mad me laugh out loud. They're both funny enough on their own, but together they are nothing short of hilarious.
Speaking of Sycamore, I had to say, finding out that Steven actually did think May was in love with him made me smile too. Like how can you actually be that jealous? It's even funnier when you think that despite all his flirting, Sycamore would probably never even touch May - he knows she's Steven's and would never do that out of friendship for him - meaning all his flirting was probably for the sole purpose of pissing Steven off.
Anyway, great chapter as always!
A Reviewing Reader chapter 46 . 12/27/2019
I apologize if this is a stupid question (it’s 4 am right now and I can’t sleep - not because of this fic but just in general), but have we had any Steven chapters besides this? If not, will we possibly get more? If not, no worries! I just find him a very interesting character, especially with your version of him in this story.

Also, I appreciate how salty May is in this, because dang this girl really is being pulled around by Hoenn men all the time, whether it’s Wallace or Steven or Mr. Stone or Archie/Maxie or Drake. I feel you, girl, I really do. I really hope the next chapter is her journey out of Hoenn and finally taking control of her destiny, and not being dragged into some mess by people with too much pride to fix it.

From what I can tell of the last two chapters, I’m guessing next is either the last chapter or near the last? Unless we’re getting some Kalos chapters with May and Steven because I’m so down for that. Regardless, I can’t wait for the next chapter to see what happens next! I just love the softness between the two of them and them FINALLY understanding and being equal with each other.

I hope you have a great new year!
A Reviewing Reader chapter 45 . 12/27/2019
YOU UPDATED! I know we’re past Christmas, but this is the best Christmas gift. I’ve been meaning to write a review of this for a while, but as I’m sure you know, life just gets in the way and makes time pass way more quickly than you’d like. Anyway. I just love how you write their relationship. Steven’s growth throughout the story and gradual understanding of what he did to May and to Hoenn is fantastic. And then him saying they need to travel together, that he straight up wants to show her the world, like we’re in Aladdin on a magic carpet ride? Just... *chef’s kiss* wonderful. May’s fear of the unknown, of leaving everything she knows is too relatable. Like good lord, this girl might not be a native, but this place is all she’s ever known and this is her home. Change is scary, even if it involves a silver haired dreamboat. Regardless, I just love how you’ve woven these characters together and told their stories. I hope you have a great rest of the year and thanks for keeping this story going and creating a really good fic for this small section of the fandom. (Seriously, this is one of those fics I always go back to and recommend - it’s just so good!)
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