Reviews for Unbreakable
kristleap chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
I've always loved this episode. As always you've made me love it more. It's just like Starsky to take pride in Hutch learning from being even a little jealous at the thought he may not be the best at something. I love their concern for the other and always happy they're at their side and not taking it for granted. They always blame themselves for each others pain, even when it's not in their control. It's a shame that Vanessa never realized the riches she had with Hutch. I've always found it sad that she was envious of the guys bond. If she'd ever let Starsky in, there wouldn't be anything she couldn't have conquered with those two at her side. Starsky helping Hutch through the pain of Vanessa helped their bond strengthen and come to an inevitable point. In the end she was a necessary evil. Hutch was much more then his looks and often didn't give them a second thought. With Vanessa, she relied on them as not having much else to draw on. I loved Starsky decking Simonetti. Protecting Hutch and having fun at the same time. The scene of Starsky serving Hutch with the warrant is an intense one. The pain in his eyes as well as Starsky's pain was heartbreaking. Just as when Hutch realized he wasn't going to take him in was heart warming. I hated that Hutch knew that Vanessa only wanted extra protection. I was also glad that he was coming to understand the length of her betrayal and her lack of any feelings outside of for herself. The scene of them at Huggy's could be pictured as slash if someone didn't know or appreciate the bond the guys share. It makes perfect sense that someone who depends on someone else to keep them safe and sane would not have any barriers between them. Oh what a wonderful world we'd live in if we all let go of our taught fears and hates. Loved your line about there not being a Starsky & Hutch without Huggy. Starsky dealing with Wheeler was priceless. He knows his type well. When Starsky told him why he should believe him, my heart was in my throat. "He was my world and I didn't plan on hanging around if he wasn't in it ", so profound and gut wrenching. I can't picture a world where they are not together. How can someone survive when what keeps them grounded and whole, no longer there. Hutch's condolences were sincere. Vanessa's parents reactions just proves she is her parent's child. Love Staesky's response, "You're right, ma'am. He didn't." Reconnecting with Hutch had that chill running for the woman who'd caused it. Your description of Vanessa's father as a tin soldier had me going straight to the One Tin Soldier song. If only Vanessa as well as her parents ( the people in the valley) could have shared in the treasure, how rich would they have been? I love you and your stories my friend. I love how they make me think and grow. You have a true talent and am grateful that you share t with us.
starskyandhutch14 chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
so many great parts in this story but i loved the part which said "my partner was just about perfect inside and out except one fatal flaw,his craving for love made him an easy target for blood suckers." i was thinking about gillian when i read this and how he loves so easy and so hard. i also love "and while she was off chasing rainbows i was the one who'd gotten the pot of gold." so very true that statement is. great take on this episode. i always look forward to your stories...wanda
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
Nice! I enjoyed reading this. You are a talented writer:))
Hutch-is-gorgeous chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
Lots of things I like about your story with one of them being : The evidence surrounding Vanessa's murder billowed up like an ominous storm cloud, with Hutch directly in its path.
luvthatblueeyedSoul chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
What a great story and very believable. You could really feel the love between the guys.
LilacsAndTulips chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
Oh so good! Loved it!
acmabry chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
What a fantastic story! Love that it's told from Starsy's POV - really showing the lengths that Starsky will go to to protect Hutch (and Hutch would for Starsky, too). I love POV stories - you can really see and understand the feelings of the character. We all know how much they care for each other - but with a POV - you can hear them saying the words - which makes it so much more special.
Lots of wonderful lines in this story (which - your stories are always full of wonderful lines) - but my two favorite: "He'd been my partner for six years. He's been my other half a lot longer." and "...there'd be no Starsky and Hutch without Huggy Bear." That is such a great line showing the friendship of those three (reminds me of Kirk (Starsky), Spock (Hutch), and McCoy(Huggy) ).
Again - a wonderful story Karen - great, great job! :-)!
Rosey Malone chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
This was beautiful! I'm at a loss for words to review this. Your description was awesome. I love the scene that night in Huggy's place. When Hutch says, "Will you visit me in prison?" and Starsky says, "Every day."
I've always loved this episode and you did a fantastic job with putting this story together. Love seeing Starsky's point of view. You did a great job voicing his thoughts for us. This is fantastic. Beautiful job! :-)

Rosey Malone