Reviews for Early Days
Guest chapter 14 . 5/3
Oh Aunt Lydia! Stop with the telegrams. Write a letter, next time.

Foyle's lovely, isn't he?
pboom chapter 14 . 5/3
Lovely sweat little story.
eyesforfiction chapter 12 . 10/10/2019
How cute. I can just see the Midshipman blushing at a beautiful smile from Rosalind and Charles smiling. Lovely.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/10/2018
A wonderful vignette! The contrast between Andrew's family life and Rex's is stark.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/9/2018
Brings back memories of the first day of school for my children. That was many years ago but the memories are still present and pleasant. Thanks for memories.
cmee57 chapter 1 . 9/7/2018
What a beautiful picture of the young Foyle family!
spottedhorse chapter 11 . 9/6/2018
Simply sweet. Christopher was indeed a happy man in a happy marriage.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/6/2018
How warm and fuzzy 'happy place' this starts out then the dawning horror of little Rex's life slaps us in the face. Makes you want to grab Mr and Mrs Rex and slap them around for a bit. I especially love how Foyle and Rosalind try to bridge the gap, caring enough to take care of the lost little boy that they have just met - partly to show that they care for their son's new little friend but also because they don't want to see a little boy get lost.
Just beautiful.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/22/2018
Its clear in the TV shows that Foyle has many happy memories of his family of three. Thanks so much for creating and sharing these memories with us.
Rosalindfan chapter 9 . 9/24/2016
How lovely to see another little snippet of young Foyle in more innocent times. Well done. (I like the use of present tense, too.)
OxfordKivrin chapter 9 . 9/23/2016
Such a sweet moment! A nice treat for a Friday. Thank you for sharing it!
OxfordKivrin chapter 7 . 8/30/2016
"My boat didn't want to go yet," oh, that's so absolutely perfect for a kid that age. Thank you for an adorable treat for a Tuesday!
spottedhorse chapter 7 . 8/30/2016
Andrew is so adorable in this one. Another lovely peek into the Foyle family when all was well. Very charming.
flutterbye52000 chapter 7 . 8/30/2016
Thank you for yet another treat. So delicious. Everything you write is a treat. What a beautiful delightful family.
Rosalindfan chapter 6 . 8/15/2016
What a delightful series of glimpses into the young Foyle's early life. As a mother there are so many little details that ring true (Not again, I just fed him!) and the incident with the flour reminds me of when my son got hold of some talcum powder - disaster! The conversations are lovely, too. Many thanks for posting.
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