Reviews for Aston Martin Music
Bob the Taco Thief chapter 44 . 2/2
I'll start off with the nice stuff. I loved Charmed back in the day, and Piper is an easy fave.

Now for the rest... You trying to kill us here with Alicia and Summer? Ok, I will give you in some alternate universe, sure Becky and Alicia are purty cute. But in this universe UH UH, No siree. I feel my death coming soon so I'll be sure to have a defibulator ready for the next few present chapters.
spanky1988.ajw chapter 43 . 11/10/2019
Can't wait for chapter 44!
Bob the Taco Thief chapter 42 . 9/22/2019
Well jinkies, its been some time. Lo siento for my lateness, life has a fun tendency of getting in the way. Anywho, I can't even say how much fun this story is to read every single chapter. I can't honestly decide if I want a past chapter or more of the future but either way I know there will be a massive grin on my face when I get notification of an update.

Hmm I can't think of which I'd prefer, pineapple sound delicious, but I'm never one to turn down some grapes.
spanky1988.ajw chapter 42 . 7/24/2019
Can't wait for chapter 43!
Jam2K chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
Love this!
76ers chapter 40 . 3/11/2019
A baby girl can help
Bob the Taco Thief chapter 39 . 2/21/2019
Well goodness. That was a chapter to return on. I'm partial to taking the red pill and getting my heart broken quickly rather than prolonging it, but this blast from the past chapter was a truckload of fun.

Worth the wait for sure. Although I will need to come back and read this one again when I'm not halfway through a bottle of zin. ; )
Guest chapter 39 . 2/6/2019
thanks for the wonderful story on wwes becky lynch and sasha banks. it was a cute and romantic love story. thanks,vanessa tallungan.
Guest chapter 39 . 2/5/2019
Red pill me please
76ers chapter 39 . 2/5/2019
Becky get pregnant with twin girls
spanky1988.ajw chapter 39 . 2/5/2019
Can't wait for chapter 40!
Guest 13 chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
Never seen you take this long to update. It’s depressing.
spanky1988.ajw chapter 38 . 12/8/2018
Can't wait for chapter 39!
Bob the Taco Thief chapter 34 . 11/21/2018
Had to post on another chapter since they won't let me review twice.
No shit, my heart was beating faster at the end there. I felt like I was trapped in a glass case of emotion! I'm pretty baked right now, but that ending nearly killed me. I knew Alicia was trouble. This impending cloud of doom I feel coming has me almost scared about reading the next present chapter. I'm going to go write now. It's 1am but I can't possibly go to sleep after that. Thanksgiving has came in the form of Joz.
"All hail the one called Joz!"
"Jaws. I love that movie."
*gunshot fade to black*
Guest 13 chapter 38 . 11/21/2018
Are they going to break up? Cause I can sense it, and I really don't like it
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