Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh: A Time to Change
Wade98 chapter 9 . 9/16
Uh, I'd really prefer if you didn't. The idea and first 8 chapters of this story are great and to make a story dropping him in Arc sounds like a different story you could write. But ultimately, I think you should keep going with this.
hnh058513 chapter 9 . 9/15
i'm in favor of the non Arc V crossover might be the better idea
duskrider chapter 3 . 9/1
I'll be honest I am not sure just how junk gardna fits here since I thought he got paradoxs deck not Yusei's also how are quillbolt, sonic chick and junk synchron here?
Guest chapter 9 . 8/19
Keep it as it is.

If not, then I'd suggest watching some theory about where the protagonists are in Arc-Iv. It makes a lot of sense.
Joker's Favorite Daughter chapter 9 . 8/19
Do you mean the Fusion Dimension of Arc-V? Zexal never had a fusion dimension. Zexal focused on Xyz summoning's. Arc-V is the only Yu-Gi-Oh show to show individual dimensions for each summoning method.

For my opinion you are doing the best you can and its better as you see fit, if you think its better to reset and then do so. If you think removing Synchro Summoning is for the best then do so. If you think its better to send Jaden to the Fusion Dimension of Arc-V do so. If you think its better to send Jaden to Zexal and have him follow along on Yuma's adventure do so. Do what you believe is for the best and never regret it.
Johnny Spectre chapter 9 . 8/19
You could add the zexal scenarios and Arc-V in place of the Society of Light, since the Neo-Spacians pretty much have that under control.
Zeus Lord of the Sky chapter 9 . 8/19
I think the story is going well so far. Hope you keep it going
GerG SnamrekcotS chapter 9 . 8/19
zero02 chapter 9 . 8/18
i assume u mean the fusion dimension of arc-v, i would be more interested probably and then he travels to standard and ends up as part of the lancers
rafaael20 chapter 9 . 8/18
don't please
MasterDarkElf chapter 9 . 8/18
Personally, I desire to see the story continued as is. Though it is ultimately your wishes and desires for the story that will influence it, I do hope you continue it.
lumigo akvo9504 chapter 9 . 8/18
Keep as is please! I really like this story just the way it is!
louis.griffisiii chapter 9 . 8/18
I say leave the story the way it is going start an alternative to this story if you want to peruse the fusion dimension of zexel
DarknightBlade chapter 1 . 8/18
For my two cents. Sending Jaden to the fusion dimension would be a cool storyline but I have to say this story has grown on me and I want to see what happens further in the story. Ultimately, the choice is yours because I know I'll enjoy the story regardless.
Elementaldragon667 chapter 9 . 8/18
do what you want I like reading yugioh gx story (including crossover)
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