Reviews for Find It, Fix It
Untitled2.0 chapter 1 . 5/6
Absolutely breathtaking. I have no words to describe how emotional yet realistic this is. Props to the author.
Nafsika chapter 7 . 3/12/2018
Ah so good! I love Palletshipping so much!

Your story is really good! I like how emotional and unsure Gary is! I love Ashs confidence and belief that eventually everything will short out! I like Dora and her supporting personality! Jared was fun and Crystal lovely kid! I liked story's passive! You didn't rush thing, you just let them happened! And the end of the story had more the feeling of a new begging, I really liked, although I wouldn't have say no if you have skipped time and showed them together and setled down! But I'm not going to complain because it was really good and with alto emotions and backstories to give more depth in the story!

Thank you very much! If you're still around keep up the good work, you're doing amazingly! See you!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/25/2017
Absolutely beautiful
AshxGary chapter 7 . 12/22/2016
What a marvelous way to bring the story to a close. Even in this last chapter, Gary wasn't completely fixed, but by the end of it, I got the sense that he was going to be okay now. What Ash did for him will continue to help him even though Ash is leaving for the time being, so that Gary can continue to heal even on his own.

I'm glad that you didn't go for a more predictable ending, like one where Ash decides to stay on the island with Gary forever. That would've gone against Ash's character. Ash still has his dream to pursue, and now, Ash has helped Gary to see that he too still has a dream to pursue. They can both still pursue their dreams while sharing their lives, and I just find that so wonderfully heartwarming!

This has been such an amazing story with real emotional depth to it. I've become attached to the Gary and Ash in this story too, just as you have - although probably not nearly as intimately, but I just thoroughly enjoyed how you portrayed them and how they interacted, regardless of whether they were acting distant from each other, getting along, arguing, making love or just being together. The ups, downs, and everything in between with these two were all fantastically enjoyable. And I really liked what you did with the Dora, Jared and Crystal. You made them interesting, and not just a shallow diversion or filler from the main Ash and Gary plot line.

Thanks so much for sharing this story with the world! It was an awesome and memorable read that I can easily see myself coming back to again just because of how good it is. If you ever do another story with these two, whether it's a follow-up or an entirely different one, I would read it in a heartbeat!
AshxGary chapter 6 . 12/21/2016
I got a good laugh out of Crystal's innocent line of questioning and the reaction it invoked from Ash, Gary and Dora! In a way, what she said about not being able to sleep alone sometimes because of being scared or upset over something perfectly applied to what Gary was going through, so I found the whole exchange both funny and meaningful.

Ash and Gary shared some heartwarming moments in this chapter, but I'm glad that there's still some uncertainty as to where they stand and where they go from here. It just feels very real and natural for the story to be playing out this way. It's a lot more interesting this way than a scenario where one night of letting it all out and lovemaking fixes everything perfectly and they're suddenly an item. I think you struck a good balance between things starting to be fixed between the two and some things that still need to be worked on.
AshxGary chapter 5 . 12/21/2016
This chapter does an awesome job of bringing so much that was hinted at in the previous four chapters out into the open and boy is it an emotional rollercoaster! I'm still not sure if after all this, Gary's head is finally clear, but Ash sure did a heck of a job forcing him to open his eyes more than they have been in years. Ash too, I think, is a little more at peace since he pushed Gary to give him answers to some of the questions that had been on his mind. I really enjoyed the intensity between these two!

I liked too that Dora and Jared were kind of working towards something at the same time as Ash and Gary. Just as you've handled the build up between Ash and Gary well, the same is true for Dora and Jared. Dora was not only wise to advise Jared to not check in on Ash and Gary, but she was even wiser with the way she prevented him from going up those stairs. How she handled things worked out great for both Ash and Gary and Jared and her!
AshxGary chapter 4 . 12/20/2016
Poor Gary really freaked out over what he saw when he woke up whereas Ash was seemingly very nonchalant with his "good morning" lol. Gary was definitely shaken over it and that scene did a good job setting the tone for the rest of the chapter. Gary again tried to distance himself and say little to Ash, but Ash is becoming more and more persistent with his questions, ultimately leading to the last part of the chapter. Such a perfect way to wrap up the chapter!

I have a pretty good idea what happened at some point during the Silver Conference, but I'm still really eager to read more and learn more about what happened and how it affected both of them. I want to add too, the scene between Dora and Gary in the kitchen was wonderful. I love how persistent yet sympathetic Dora is and her letting Gary know that he'll never be alone was sweet. It was just like Gary to try and deflect the conversation, lol. The whole exchange between the two was wonderfully enjoyable - just like everything else in this story!
AshxGary chapter 3 . 12/20/2016
It looks like Gary isn't the only one looking for answers. Gary's decision to become a researcher clearly hit Ash hard in the anime and I like that it's brought up here and expanded on. The tension between the two was great in this chapter, but so were the lighter moments, and Gary's reaction to Ash being shirtless and his hair being a mess was both adorable and funny!

You're doing a great job with the other characters, too. Gary may have inadvertently set something into motion between Dora and Jared, lol. Crystal has plenty of cute moments, as well. It really feels like everything character is bringing something to the story. The last scene in this chapter of Ash and Gary falling asleep in the same bed was sweet! Hopefully his first good night's sleep in a long time will be a wake up call to Gary that he should be spending time with Ash, like in this chapter, rather than avoiding him, as he did in the last chapter.
AshxGary chapter 2 . 12/19/2016
This chapter definitely made me feel bad for Gary. Yes, he should listen to Dora because she only wants to help him. Yes, he should spend time with Ash and make him feel welcome since he did invite him after all. Yes, he should be trying to help himself. That doesn't change the fact that it can be hard to pull yourself out of that dark corner after you've been there for some time.

This isn't easy for Gary and I'm enjoying how you're illustrating that. I'm also loving the other characters too, from how Dora and Jared interact to Ash just having a ball on this little break from his league quest. The pace of this story feels really good, too; you're not rushing through Gary's difficulties and the other characters are also getting a nice amount of exposure. I'm really enjoying this!
AshxGary chapter 1 . 12/19/2016
I really like how this is starting out! It's not often a story is set on Sayda Island or makes use of the characters that live/work on the island. That definitely gives this story a different kind of feel and I like that.

I think you did a superb job portraying Gary as someone that just can't seem to get much enjoyment out of his work or life anymore as well as conveying how he feels about all this. This is hard for him, and it shows, even when Ash arrives and they start spending some time together.

The characters do seem a bit more mature, but underneath that maturity is familiarity. I feel you did a good job aging Gary and Ash while still retaining a lot of their traits. I definitely will be reading more!
Princess Uchiha.0223 chapter 7 . 8/27/2016
I cannot even BEGIN to tell you just how much I loved this piece of art. No I am not exaggerating - it's not just a fic, it's a piece of art. I just finished reading the whole thing and I am at a complete loss for words. I don't know how to put into words the sheer amount of brilliance that is this story. Nevertheless, I'll try my best.
Beginning at the beginning, the chapter names. Not a lot of people put much thought into the chapter names, but it is little things like these that count..and had such beautifully thought out names for each chapter that fit them absolutely perfectly.
And your characters...goodness. So much in-character, so much depth, so much emotion. Usually authors don't put a lot of work into the side characters, which results in a couple of half-baked sidekicks that no one really cares about, but I actually WANTED to know where the Dora-Jared arc was going, which proves just how much work you put into not just the protagonists, but the rest of the characters as well. As for the protagonists, I don't really have a lot to say Simply, WOW. Hats off to you for portraying Ash and Gary so well this could actually have passed off as actual episodes of the anime (well, if Palletshipping was canon, that is).
You write with such finesse, and such DEPTH, that - no kidding - there were times when I read a certain line, put down my phone, and just stared at the ceiling/wall, shaking my head, thinking wow, that was so freaking beautiful. This happened not once, not twice, but numerous times.
Okay I realize I have been gushing for a long time now, but seriously, this was so brilliant, I needed to say all that to you. Thank you so much for gifting this story to us Palletshippers. This has got to be one of my all-time favorite Palletshipping stories now.
Kudos to you for this amazing piece of literature :)
KuramiAkane chapter 7 . 8/18/2016
Just wow... this story was heartbreaking!
It was beautiful, one of the best i ever read in my life.

You really gave your all in this story and i could just notice it in your writing. Somtimes a little mistake that you used him instead of her or he instead of she, but that probably happened in the heat of the moment. It didn't bother me at all as the story is so great! And jist use it as a good tip for the next time (if you plan on writing a story like this again, cuz i really want to read it then!)

You did a good job at trying to keep them IC as well and it makes me wonder as why not to make a follow up story to them ** like when they will meet up again one day (one shot) or if they finally will spend their live together, but the question would be where and how? I totally get why you wouldn't want to make a follow up as well, as you leave it open for everyone to wonder themself. Or for the fact that you alreasy find it enough for them. It doesn't matter what you do i still love this story to the heart 3

I recently got this addiction to this pairing and i am just loving them more and more. Really thank you for writing this beautiful story and please continue the hard and good work 3
Cammerel chapter 7 . 7/28/2016
This is an absolutely gorgeous fanfic. I'm glad I found it.
Purified Sins chapter 5 . 7/12/2016
Youuuuuu, this chapter is so fucking gooooood. This story is amazing, I cant even put it down. Compared to other fanfics, this, this is amazing. The way you explain their complex feelings, the dialouge they say, the way the story progresses. I absolutely love it.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/28/2016
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