Reviews for Fix You
Kiani Skyrider chapter 40 . 4/24
I love this! You are a great writer.
Bloodhuntermoon chapter 20 . 3/3
That’s FUCKING IT. I am dropping this shitty ass story . All your usual retarded misunderstandings are just too fucking much and they way they fucking act how everything is fine and dandy is just ... FUCK , u really have fucking idea how to write something enjoyable, please go fucking kill yourself
Chardaine Rose chapter 26 . 2/19
It's amazing that by rereading this chapter, it still made me smile like "Heath Ledger is cutting my face to make my smile wider"...literally.
Chardaine Rose chapter 13 . 2/19
THIS is the second time I read this story and it still made my heart flutter. How the heck did you do that?!
Chardaine Rose chapter 5 . 2/18
Currently rereading this story and it still made my heart flutter.
Chardaine Rose chapter 40 . 1/30
Well, I just finished reading your story and I'm sorry I did not review every chapter. I am just so absorbed with the story that I wanted to read the next chapter as soon as possible!

So, I'm gonna start with the mistakes first. But before that, I'm just gonna say that you express descriptive words so well, that you really are a writer! As I read your story, it felt like a movie in my brain! But, there are some words that you always make a mistake:

1. College instead of Collage. College is an educational institution, and collage is an art.
2. Most of the time, you wrote "Is" instead of "It's"

Those mistakes above, I can handle those. I'm not a native english speaker, either, and those mistakes are quite common for us non-native english speakers. My brain just automatically corrects those words into something you really mean. :)

BUT, there is one mistake that you really need to improve on: the usage of "she", "he", "his/him" and "her". There are a lot of times that you describe Jack as "her" or Elsa as "him" (or sometimes refer to her as "his"). When I read those, it really made the description confusing and I had to reread and reread it in order to fully picture out what you are trying to imply.

Enough of that. All in all, I can say that your Jelsa story is, by far, my most favorite. You're not too wordy with the descriptive sentences and I love it! And don't even make me start with the plot. OHHH THE PLOT! You are so good at creating plots that I am really absorbed! I had to stop myself from screaming in public everytime there is something romantic about to happen, and I really wished I can get inside this story just to choke Pitch himself! Your storylines make sense and, unlike some Jelsa fanfic, the development of Jack and Elsa's story weren't done lazily. It feels like you planned the whole thing gracefully and meticulously. And the mature scene was not done in a cringe-y way. IT'S HAAAWWTT! You really have the potential and you now gained a new fan!

To be honest, I want to get an amnesia so that I can enjoy this story again like it's the first time! You also are great in creating thrills and semi-breaking your readers' hearts. I LOOOOVE this story, although I'm not sure if I can handle a sequel. My heart says I don't want to because there's a high chance Jack and Elsa may break up due to more misunderstandings, and I'm sure my heart can't take any pain, anymore.

Lastly, thank you so much for sharing your talent to us. I suffer from depression, anxiety disorder and inferiority complex. Mental illness sucks. I wanted to be a great writer but I can hardly focus, so I always end up with half-baked, cringeworthy stories. This got worse with the recent corona virus outbreak. Your story is the only thing that keeps me sane and distract me from the painful reality. Please, PLEASE, never stop writing. You may have college or a job and I can understand that. I'll still wait for you to write stories.
jeyneeen chapter 23 . 1/23
jeyneeen chapter 22 . 1/23
My scale of anger is from "one" to "speaking a curse in my own dialect". And right now, I really have the urge to shout "POTANGINA MO, PITCH!"
Guest24 chapter 5 . 12/19/2019
Hi silvana, I read your other stories they were great and I lioe this one too
CatherineDuchessofVineyard chapter 40 . 11/27/2019
Just finished and this is so freaking beautiful!
Just watched frozen 2 hours ago and decided to read Jellsa, now I wish Disney will buy ROTG rights for Frozen 3 or something. Hahahaha #JELSAFOREVER
siriusly-random chapter 40 . 10/4/2019
I just got finished reading this (been on a bit of a Jelsa kick!) and I wanted to say that I really enjoyed it! I also think it's amazing that you were able to update this pretty much every day. That's pretty difficult to do, so great job!

Normally I can't read a fic when it has an abundance of grammar issues, but the concept and story was so good I read it through. I am glad to see you're going back through to edit it. But it's totally understandable why there were mistakes, seeing as your first language isn't English! And I also understood how some grammar got mixed up as my second language is French, which I believe is structured very similar to Spanish. Honestly, I don't think I could write something so good in my second language, so you've got a lot of respect from me!
ThatOneAmateurWriter chapter 40 . 7/16/2019
I don't think I've ever been so in love with a story. This took me approximately 10 to 15 hours to read and those hours were quite emotional. I could just feel the passion. I related so much to Jack in this fic. I can't say how many times I teared up or cried from how awesome this was. You did amazing Sil. Absolutely amazing. You can definitely expect me to read more!

To anyone else who reads this, I hope you find your Elsa or your Jack.
BornOnTheBreakOfDawn chapter 40 . 3/27/2019
Wooooo... It took me approx 4 days to read everything here (it may be shorter but i still have to sleep, go to work and do everything else in life XD) but still, i enjoyed every moment of it. Although there were several typos and grammar errors here and there, i didn't mind them too much because i loved the whole plot. I really enjoyed reading this. I would still suggest to perhaps get a beta reader to edit or proofread your work before posting; but nevertheless, this is still a great story to read. I commend you for the wonderful work. Kudos!
Adrian QUezada chapter 40 . 3/15/2019
Keep making great stories you are the best
Kamiccola chapter 40 . 10/27/2018
This story was very heartwarming. Just left me with a smile on my face.
I think the best part about it is that it's just so real, real emotions, how messed up people react in tricky situations, assumptions, mistakes. Just feels. It made sense. Keep on writing. You capture your stories wonderfully.
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