Reviews for Work
Whyaduck1929 chapter 3 . 3/27/2019
Well done. Good analysis of their relationship.
IndyStarkDeanJr chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
I've read this countless times... This is just beautiful. There isn't much to say, except that this is amazing and beautifully written...
maakri chapter 3 . 7/11/2016
Don't even know what to say! I'm completly positive you are more insightful than the writers regarding the huddy relationship. I thought their exploration of the relationship was kind of predictable and boring quite frankly. Until it got interesting with the whole "you make me a worse doctor" and relapsing and then it just all went to hell. Loved this one. It kind of broke my heart, so I'm very grateful for the happy ending. This fic actually made me think of a song named fade away by Susanne Sundfør, which I love. Hope you end up reposting that one you ended up deleting.
Which I actually read one night after a party (heh), and then I went to reread it properly the next morning to find it gone haha. Anyway, thanks for sharing!
LoveMyHouse chapter 3 . 6/3/2016
What..a..fantastic..story! Took my breath away, absolutely perfect, I can't even...
Little Greg chapter 3 . 5/18/2016
Thank you.
antares.78 chapter 3 . 5/16/2016
One of the best fanfic I've ever read! Really! I'm litterally speachless... There are a lot of fanfic post-bombshells, just a few post the episode-whose-title-I-don't-even-remember-cause-I-decided-it-never-existed... But... you really fixed it! And they are them! So in the character! And it was great! So...what can I say...just... thank you! :)
southpaw2 chapter 3 . 5/14/2016
A great finish: We work. Even if we limp. I love Cuddy coming clean with House, and making that promise not to leave him again. He needed and deserved that. And the way you showed his team's loyalty to him, no matter what. As Chase said, there's only one House. I'm glad Cuddy figured that out too.
southpaw2 chapter 2 . 5/14/2016
Kudos for your use of the show dialogue here. And it works so well, when you see what they actually said, put up against Wilson's comments, it's just painful to see how Cuddy acted throughout their relationship. Also I love the convo with Nolan. He can't not miss her.
jkarr chapter 3 . 5/14/2016
nice story
southpaw2 chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
You really get to the heart of the matter, very directly, and I love it. House sums up Cuddy's attitude perfectly. I like how House's decision to separate his life from Cuddy's in every way totally flummoxes her. And I also like that you did it without resorting to a car in a dining room scenario.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/14/2016
Glad to see you back, and man does this call back to some of ATD's stuff... I miss ATD... and I see you in reviews Insomniac! Where's the end of Follow-Up?
ikissedtheLaurie chapter 3 . 5/12/2016
How do you do it? How do you make me cry in my bed on a Thursday night? They've been away for so long and I read one sentence from you and it feels like they were never gone. Youre just really fucking good at writing these assholes that I love so much. So thanks. And good fuckin job.
shawdoo chapter 3 . 5/12/2016
So unbelievably happy you posted another fic! Being given the opportunity to read stories from someone who captures the inner thoughts and feelings of two very complex characters is such an honor. I love how you allow House and Cuddy to face their real truths and confront each other with them. The sexiness thrown in there is a huge bonus :)

I hope with you writing again, many other writers will come back and finish their fics and keep adding to the Huddy library :)
Guest chapter 3 . 5/12/2016
uauuuu incredible... You are writing again, so so happy ... I loved this :)
GratefulInsomniac chapter 3 . 5/11/2016
"it's not stealing. They're mine" was such a perfect House line. I could see it.

Cuddy as she finds out that House's team is going back to great. You caught the voices of the team so well. The "He takes care of us," "I don't want pleasant i want good" comment, Chase's "not scared anymore" and finally "there's only one House." That was such a great way to take all of her thinking and mulling and sort of nudge her forward. I find it poetic that his team, trained by him, sort of inadvertently said things she needed to hear.

Best line for me in this story, "We both made mistakes. But we were not a mistake." That's so perfect right there. And that she's here to do the work, even if they limp. It's amazing what some absence and thought (and some complete rewriting of the end of Season 7) can do for a situation.

Great ending. This might be your best story, although if i read others again i may change my mind. haha. This was just so well composed, and thought through. You did your research with the lines, and it just felt so believable. I'm happy that i love this story, and a little irritated that you made me think about them so much. I feel like it's over, and then i'm pulled back in. I find myself looking back so much more favorably. Maybe, like them, i needed time and space. Thanks for making me look back at them like this.
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